Chapter 5

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After finally finding my uniform top I tied it tightly before running back downstairs. As I ran I did my best to fix my hair and put it up in a ponytail.

"Rin! What took so long, Haku was looking for you." Lin told me as she stood up from scrubbing the main floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I bowed quickly to show my apology was sincere. "We really need to clean that closet, it took me forever to find my uniform." I explained, rushing to help by grabbing a rag and a dunking it into a bucket of water.


As I squeezed the water from the rag I saw it was Haku who was addressing me. Rolling my eyes I turned to face him fully. I've has about enough of him today.

"Yubaba wants you on the big tub tonight." Haku informed me. I seethed, but didn't let it show.

Forcefully I plastered a smile on my face and whipped the rag into the bucket of water. Walking quickly in Haku's direction I slammed shoulders with him.

"Easy punishment my ass." I whispered as I bumped past Haku.


By the time the sun rose and the spirits had left I was sore, tired and sweaty. I'd bathed three spirits and was completely burnt out. After draining the last of the bath I leaned carefully back onto the bath slide onto the floor. Groaning the entire way down I reached the floor with a thud.

Over come with exhaustion I leaned my head back and shut my eyes.




Waking with a start I opened my eyes quickly and sat up. Cringing immediately in pain from the soreness in my back I slowly leaned back against the bath.

"Haku?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Do I look like Haku. Gosh I sure hope not!" Opening my eyes fully I saw the smiling face of Lin. She was leaning over me with her hand extended. "I got worried when you didn't come upstairs to sleep. Here, let's get you changed and in bed." She helped me up and guided me to our room.

Once we'd made it back I saw she had set up my bed for me and it made my heart happy. Helping me out of my uniform she tucked me in laid down in her bed next to mine.

"Get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow." I heard Lin whisper before I fell asleep.



"No way!"

"He's not really going is he?!"

"The human world is gross, why would he go there?!"

My eyes fluttered open and I saw the room bustling. All of the girls were talking about something. Lin noticed I was awake and walked over to me, kneeling beside me.

"Haku announced he's going to travel to the human world in three days to go find Chihiro." Lin smiled widely. "Gosh I hope he finds her, I miss that little dope." Lin reminisced, looking off somewhere in the distance.

What a way to wake up. My heart was shattered as I bit my lip to hold back the tears.

He really doesn't know how I feel, does he. How could he, I've given him no sign....

After all the chatter subsided the girls went downstairs to prepare the bathhouse and I was left alone with my thoughts. Standing I made my way to the balcony. Pushing open the stubborn wooden doors I looked out at the flooded valley. It looked like the ocean.

I loved when it rained, and I especially loved when it rained so much I could get a glimpse of this beautiful phenomenon. Breathing in the fresh air I sat with my legs over the edge off the balcony rails, taking in the gorgeous view. Looking at this made me forget about Haku, about my two year crush and my broken heart... well almost...

Shaking my head I buried my face in my hands and sighed.

I knew it'd never work, I expected this.... so then why am I so sad...

"Strike two."

Jolting up I turned to see Haku with a very angry expression on his face. Scrambling to my feet I walked over and bowed apologetically to him.

"I-I'm so sorry Haku! I was just about to leave I promise-" I quickly sputtered but excuse but was cut off by Haku.

"Save it, I'm taking you to see Yubaba." Standing up straight I looked at him in fear, but he showed to signs of sympathy for me.

He simply grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my doom.


We reached Yubaba's doors and I felt a giant lump in my throat. Haku reached his hand out and knocked on the door.

"Yubaba it's me, Haku. I have Rin with me." Haku spoke sternly and the doors whooshed open.

Pulling me in Haku never once let up on his grip.

"Ah, welcome Rin!" Yubaba greeted me with a sinister tone.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I bowed.

"I hear you've been slacking off lately, is that right?" Yubaba leaned forward as she spoke.

"If you'll just let me explain-"

"Save it! I don't care about your useless human excuses! I run a very tight ship and you've kept up with it for two years Rin. It's time you get whipped back into shape. I'm sure you've heard Haku's proposition to leave the spirit world?" Yubaba inquired and I nodded quickly, not knowing what that had to do with my punishment. "I want Haku to take you with him. You'll be under his watchful eyes and be whipped back into shape."

"WHAT?!" Haku and I yelled in disbelief.

HELLOOOOOO! I hope you guys are enjoying this story! I'm having a really fun time writing it! I should update pretty soon, but don't expect too much from me ;-; I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Toodles!

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