You land in Sinnoh, specifically at Verity Lakefront. You look to your left to see Colress ad to your right to see Alexa. Both of them arguing over some matter. Alexa glances Your way and freezes. Colress follows her eyes and meets you. Both of them are in their labcoats, but Alexa had hers closed by the bottons. Both of them looked at you and began their dialogue.
Trainer, you know you can trust me, right? I saved you and thst Hau kid back in Alola and I have been giving you advice since. I warned you about Colress, don't let him tempt you with his evil ways and lies!
My evil ways?! What about yours!? You're almost acting like one of those Nirchians yourself with the so called advice your giving him/her! I don't care what backstory you're giving them, they won't be tempted into your lies!
Choose, trainer.
Me, or the she-demon.
Me, or the Mad scientist.
You had a choice here. The screen went black as a flashback played of Kiawe explaining her past, if you got that sidequest. There was also a montage of the sidequests you could have done for Colress if you went back for them. If you did absolutely nine of the sidequests involicng these two characters the screen would instantly go to black with a white text box askigm you to side with either Colress or Alexa right now. The trick was, you couldnt select Alexa if you didn't get to talk to Kiawe. You had to get that special conversation to even attempt selecting Alexa.
If you do Select Alexa you would be ushered into Verity lakefront with her. Youd learn the truth and Be sucked into a world of torture and horribleness, ending the game right there's with a slide of credits. Kinda like a glitch you can't escape. The lavender town tune will Okay in the background of the credits instead of the intended, cheery tune of the real final credits. Just a glitch to be added InTo this hypothetical game.
But if you choose Colress Alexa's glare will grow cold. Colress would have you behind him as Alexa looked down, her hair shadowing her eyes.
So you would betray me in the end, huh? You're no different than those Team Plasma. Have fun with your little goal, trainer. You'll never reach it. That's a garuntee.
With that, she dissapeared into the Lake area with the entrance being blocked by two sudowoodo. Colress turned to you and started his dialouge.
You made the right choice. Alexa can't be trusted. She used to work for us in Team Plasma when she was ten. I know this because I had to keep her in line. Leave her be, she can't do much damage on her own. You have things to do, yes?
Colress walked off. The next plotpoint would be off in Hearthome, but you can hit the gyms along the way and battle other trainers. You can actually do a sidequest in Twinleaf town. If you go inside Barry's house across from Dawn's you can find Barry and battle him as man h times as you wish, but his team grows by two levels every battle. If you battle him five times he'll give you an Everstone And show up in Jublife city near the Pokémon center next time you visit and thst u locks another side quest after you hit the plotpoint in Hearthome.
In Hearthome City Fanta is busy st the contest hall so you can't challenge her gym until you complete the plotpoint. Colress is waiting in front of the gate to Amity Square. If you had the egg from his side quest, it wouldn't hatch until this exact moment. The Pokémon inside is the type disadvantage Sinnoh starter to the Alolan starter you picked. If you didn't do the sidequest to receive the egg from Colress, Nothing would happen and you'd just walk into Amity Square with him.
In the center of Amity Square was a boy with long, green hair and another blue oh with hair like Alexa's, but without the length under the ears. Only one of them had the large R on a purple shirt, and it was the boy who looked like Alexa. He wore a black hoodie but it was unzipped so the N stood out prominently. Colress was staring st the green haired boy.
King N, lovely to see you again.
Colress? Why are you in sinnoh?
N, why are you with a Nirchisist?!
Oh, Alex? He was just telling me about his sister. It's a sad tale, really.
N started to bicker with Colress about what was wrong and what was right. The Nirchisist had two grunts come out of the bushes at this time. Of course he had backup, but he looked like a cinnamon roll. You s had a choice now. You could interrupt N And Colress And just leave, you could try And approach this Alex character, or you can stand by.
If you stood by the same screen would pop up without the stand by option three seconds later. If you break up the fight between N And Colress it would fail Andy become a double battle. You and Colress versus N and Alex. After the double battle you would leave. But if you decided to confront Alex yourself and let the two Plasmatics handle their differences then you could gain a burn of info, after battling the grunts in a double battle first. The grunts would intoduce themselves as Fang and Richard. Fang being a little girl And Richard a big buff guy. They had a Buneary Andy Toxicroak each level sixty five. When you defeat the two Alex tells you he hasn't no interest in fighting at all. Then grunts supervise as he sits and talks with you. Colress And N finally settling their differences.
Yes, Alexa is my sister. She's been through a lot. We've been through a lot. Mom and Dad dying on our way to vacation. It was just devastating for big sister. I don't remember them much but she does. So we grew up on Akala Island with Kiawe. She had us leave for home a little while after. She took a job somewhere while I attended trainer's school. She always looked out for me. She had to grow up pretty fast. So that's why I'm here. My wish is for Oneesan to finally be happy. She hasn't cracked a real smile since our parents left this world. I feel bad for Oneesan. That's why I help her. She isn't doing anything bad. I promise! She just wants her wish. Once her wish is done all of our wishes will fall into place. See, nothing bad.
Alex smiles at you. N And Colress were listening in the whole time. N was smiling, agreeing with him completely while Colress was against it.
What about the methods they are using?! What about me plans for after? The consiquences of her actions?! She didn't think anything through!
Well I don't care as long as Oneesan's happy!
Alex frowned and the grunt stood protectively in front of the Nirchian Admin. He took his leave from Amity Square ending the plotpoint. N was still there but Colress was somehwre else. Now you could look around for Sinnoh-exclusive Mega Stones and do the Barry sidequest. The Barry sidequest is a series of back to back double battles to strengthen your team. You can also talk to N to get his view on the situation.
Alex has a dream similar to what's mine once was. We are two of the same, but he wants happiness for his sister and his sister alone. Not all Pokemon. He's just trying to make his sister happy. I may not approve of the methods that Team Nirch are using but I can support Alex. His dream is a noble one, even if his actions are the opposite.
The last Sidequest you could do, other than going through all the gyms, is to find Colress in Sunnyshore City. He is talking with Volkner and reveals a new device he was working on in secret for quite a while. It was a remake of an old pokebesr and it allows the first Pokémon in your party to walk around with you wherever you go. He gives you the device as a gift and a thank you for trusting him. Volkner also gives you Manectricite. He also offers you an egg he doesn't need anymore. The egg isn't importsmt to the story but it's a garunteed shiny Shinx so....
You can now fly to Johto.
End of Sinnoh Arc
Pokémon: Rising Vengance
FanficI thought of an idea for a new Pokémon game and I'll put down my concept arts, plot ideas, and characters in here! Don't judge me. The plot is very complex with the return of many we'll known characters and every region being featured. There is no m...