S07E01: Back To The Woods

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"Its Alan here, I'm unable to reach my phone right now due to my busy schedule. Please leave a message after the beep, I'll return it as soon as possible." *BEEP*

"Deaton, somethings about to happen here, I can feel it. Its not the same as it used to be. I don't know whats going on but I need your help. So, if you could reply to my calls, that would be"-*BEEP* "great."

Scott sighed as he put his phone into his pocket and moved towards the window.

A cluster of grey clouds formed above, slowly expanding its size. He stared anxiously and sharply jerked his head around to see Liam standing at the door.

"You see it, don't you?, whats happening to Beacon Hills?" Liam nervously fiddled with his fingers.

Scott nodded and gave a confused expression, "I don't know, but I don't like the feeling of it."

"We should ask Argent or Deaton or anyone that can help us." Liam stated quickly.

"They're both busy and I've tried calling them, they're not answering." Scott turned around to see tiny droplets of water cascading down the window. "If we don't figure out whats happening, this could be real bad."

Distracted by his thoughts, Scott didn't hear the thundering footsteps climbing up the stairs rapidly. Stiles emerged from the side, panting and covered in specks of water. 

"Dead...body...woods...now." He tried to slow down his breathing by leaning against the wall.

Scott rushed to his side, grabbed his arm and helped him calm down, "A dead body?" Stiles became normal and glared at Scott for his dumb statement.

"Seriously? Are we doing this again?" Stiles replied with a frown.

"Somethings definitely off. Isn't this the fourth body this week?" Liam asked.

Scott and Stiles nodded and turned around to head out to the Jeep. Liam piped in, "I'm coming too." Scott looked at his beta and sighed, "Alright, but be careful, the killer could still be on the loose." Liam nodded and opened the car door. 

"Why is it always in those damn woods?" Scott asked attempting to make a joke.

"I don't know, but if you weren't bitten, I would have moved the second they said they found half a body." Stiles replied with a laugh.

"Man, I can't believe that was seven years ago, a lot has surely happened." Scott said and his facial expression changed to sadness as his flicked through his memories of Allison.

They arrived at the woods and exited the car. Scott signaled Liam to follow him closely. They creeped up to the police cars and observed the situation unfold. 

"Ok, what are they saying?" Stiles asked, patting Scott's shoulders.

Scott tuned into his hearing and focused on the conversation between two deputies, "They found the body but it didn't look like anything happened to it, looks completely untouched."

Confused by their discovery, Scott listens again, only to be interrupted by Stiles poking at him.

"Stiles, I can't listen if you won't let me concentrate." He turned back to face the deputies.

"Scott-" Stiles started as Scott turned around with an annoyed look. "Liam's gone." Scott's eyebrows raised and he began looking around to find him.


Liam slowly walked through the fog that was building up in the woods, cautiously scanning his surrounding for potential threats. Crunching the leaves underneath him, he proceeded to follow a smell. He spun his head around as he heard twigs snapping from an area not so far away. His face relieved when he saw Scott and Stiles running towards him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Scott said flailing his arms.

"I..I don't know, I smelt something strange, so I thought I could follow it."

"Well, did you?" Stiles asked.

"Not really, but the smell is getting really stronger by the minute."

"I can smell it too, it seems vaguely familiar." Scott sniffed the air with his eyes closed, trying to remember where he smelt this before.

"Then what are we doing here? Follow it!" Stiles exclaimed, giving Liam a nudge.

They started walking again, this time, struggling to navigate through the thick fog. 

"I lost the scent, the fogs too thick." Liam sighed.

Scott got an idea and shut his eyes and opened them again to reveal the distinct red color. He motioned Liam to use his werewolf eyes. Liam gasped as he saw what was in front of him, making 500 different conclusions run through Stiles's head. 

"What...what do you see?" Stiles eagerly asked.

"The nemeton." Scott replied with a worried expression.

"What about it?"

"Its gone." Liam stated.

Stiles's stared at Liam in confusion, "Gone?"

"Yes, gone like vanished, disappeared, missing, no more!" Liam shouted in frustration.

"Wait, how did you find it then?" Stiles said, rubbing his forehead.

"The scent, thats where I remember it from, its coming from this area. But thats impossible, how did it...go?" Scott questioned, his eyes back to normal along with Liam.

Neither of them replied to Scotts question and continued to stare at the empty space.

"Do you think this has something to do with the deaths?" Liam said quickly.

"Its Beacon Hills, Liam, rabid animals running into cars and people disappearing has somewhat become a norm now." Stiles said shrugging.

Suddenly, Scott's phone rang, scaring the crap out of all three of them. Stiles instinctively went behind Scott to protect himself and coughed as he realized it was a phone, "I thought I saw a bee." He stated, recovering from the embarrassment.

"Sure." Liam replied slightly grinning at Stiles's response.

"Hey, in my defense, you guys have claws and fangs. I don't even have my bat, so give me a break for being jumpy once in a while."

Scott shushed them and answered the call.

"Scott, you need to get to the animal clinic, I have important information."

Thank you guys for reading this, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you liked it too. The story is just getting started and something fishy is going on in Beacon Hills... Next episode includes the arrival of some characters you love!

Please comment and vote! 

Next episode will be posted soon! 

- Zoe☾

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