S07E15: Wolf Reborn

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"Gerard." Lydia spoke his name with absolute annoyance, "He's a werewolf."

"Just when things couldn't get worse with Theo." Stiles sighed.

"We need to stop them from turning more peopl-" Scott placed his hands on the table, leaning forward, his forehead creased as they heard a knock.

They looked at each other in confusion, wondering who it was, Scott walked to the door and slowly turned the door knob.

"Open the damn door Scott." The man stepped inside, a small grin forming on his face, "How are my favorite people in the world doing?" He said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Peter." Derek huffed, not pleased to see him, "Where have you been?"

"Well, my dear nephew. I was on vacation." Peter shrugged.

Confusion appeared on all their faces, they exchanged looks with each other.

"Vacation?" Stiles asked, his eyebrows up.

"Yes." Peter stated, as if it was an obvious answer.

"What's going on?" Aria walked to the table.

"Who's the new addition?" Peter asked.

Aria stared uncomfortably at him, "Aria."

"Peter. Nice to meet you." Peter extended his hand, Aria took it carefully.

"What are you doing here?" Lydia asked him.

"I came back to get my sock, Canada is really cold." Peter replied, rolling his eyes.

Derek glared at him making Peter sigh and hesitate before speaking, "I need help. More specifically, your help Scott."

Scott was surprised to say the least, "Help with what?"

"Well, I met a woman there, she has no idea about werewolves and I don't want to lose her. Full moons are crazy over there and it's getting harder to control myself." Peter looked down.

"A woman?" Malia spoke, astonished that someone would like her dad.

Peter nodded, "I heard that you lost your powers, I'm willing to give mine up to you." He faced Scott.

"Peter." Scott felt overwhelmed from the sudden kindness, "That's pretty big."

"I know, but she means a lot to me, more than being a werewolf." Peter admitted.

Scott nodded, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Peter stepped forward and flicked his hand, making his claws appear. He moved closer to Scott's neck and took a deep breath before sticking his claws in Scott's neck. Scott yelled in pain, they both shut their eyes as a red aura appeared around them. Peter opened his eyes and the neon blue faded away to his normal eyes, Scott's turned red.

"That's done." Peter turned to walk out before anyone could stop him.

Scott reached to place a hand on his shoulder, smiling gratefully at Peter. Peter returned with a small smile, Scott watched as he realized that there is hope for Peter after all. 


"I think I can walk around without getting killed." Aria grunted.

"You don't understand, now that Gerard is roaming around anything can happen." Scott argued, sighing.

"Incase you forgot, I've been on my own for quite a while. I'm sure I can handle it." Aria stood up, irritated by his protectiveness. She ignored his point and walked out of the loft, Scott got up to go after her but Malia placed a hand on his shoulder. 

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