S07E10: Lost Wolf

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It was a silent night. The deserted streets were lit up by the flickering street lamps. At the Stilinski household, only two people were present. Sheriff Stilinski offered to take the night shift at the station which left Stiles and his unconscious friend, Scott. They were both asleep on the couch as Stiles didn't have the strength to carry him up to a room, unable to leave him alone at this state, he decided to stay in the living room.

"Scott. You gotta wake up, Beacon Hills needs their alpha to protect them, we all need you, I need you Scott. Please, wake up." Stiles whispered to him, sighing.

He got up from his kneeling position and sank into the couch as the darkness swept over his eyes. Hours later, Stiles shot up from his sleep to hear something fall on the floor. A smile erupted on his face as he saw Scott, shaking himself awake. He leaped from the couch and enveloped Scott with a huge hug.

"Oh my god! Scott, you're alive. I thought I lost you man!" Stiles exclaimed as he patted Scott's shoulder.

"You won't lose me, not today at least." Scott joked, gaining a "are you serious?" look from Stiles.

"So, do you feel any different?" Stiles nonchalantly asked. 

"No?" Scott replied, questionably, "Is there any reason to?"

"What? No!" Stiles quickly covered up his previous question, "Nothing, no-thing, N-O-T-H-I-N-G" Stiles spelt out the very well emphasized word, leaning his hand on the edge of the couch.

"Alright?" Scott dismissed it, although totally seeing through Stiles's act, "I just gotta go to the bathroom."

Stiles nodded as he watch him leave the living room and quickly pulled his phone out to send a text to Lydia telling her that Scott has no idea that his powers are gone.



"What's wrong with me?" Scott asked as he examined his hands that no longer allowed him to spring out claws.

"Uh...um...Well..." Stiles started, trying to form a proper sentence but was feeling slightly intimidated by Scott's glare.


Lydia froze as she read the text from Stiles, confused as to what the drink had actually done to him, she woke up Malia who was completely wiped out on the couch. 

"What?" Malia snapped, "Sleep = good, person who wakes me up = dead meat."

"It's Scott, he woke up."

Malia jumped up as Lydia barely finished what she was saying and grabbed Lydia by the arm and dragged her to the car.


"What!" Scott shouted, "I lost my werewolf powers, Stiles, that's not possible!"

"Its not a joke, just liste-"

"How? Tell me how that happened!" Scott's voice boomed across the house.

"Would you just listen?" Stiles shouted with all his might, "We had to. You could have died! Ok, I already lost one of my best friends, I can't deal with another one, especially if it's you, Scott."

Scott calmed down after he heard Stiles's last sentence. The door was opened by Lydia and Malia who seemed as they ran a huge marathon. 

"Stiles!" Lydia quickly said, pausing as she saw Scott's slightly angry expression, "Scott, listen we had to do it. You were going out of control and you could have died."

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