S07E16: Reminiscence

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Aria fiddled around with a small pebble in her hand as she walked along a wide path, observing the people around her. She dropped the pebble and began to kick it forwards but she paid no attention to her surroundings. Not a moment later, she forcefully bumped against a strong shoulder causing the excruciating feeling of pain to spread in her body.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." The man spoke.

"It's alright." She replied quickly, she lifted her head to see the man's face and got surprised at how attractive he was. His perfectly spiked up brown hair, the calm blue eyes and devilish smile that any delusional teenage girl would fall for. 

"Good." He replied, forming a smile on his face, his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed her shoulder, "You're bleeding."

Aria was mesmerized by his face that she didn't register what he had said, "What?"

The man let out a small chuckle, "There's blood on your shoulder."

She brought her hand up to the wound to stop the blood and realized that the wound will heal in a few seconds so she had to run away from this man.

"Oh, that's fine, I got it." Aria replied, slowly backing away.

"Wait." His expression hardened as he saw her wound disappear, "You're healed."

"The doctors told me I have this condition, nothing to worry about." Aria quickly spat out her well-rehearsed line.

"Don't be scared, I'm a chimera and I know you're a werewolf." The man whispered, hoping to grab her attention.

"You're crazy, supernatural creatures don't exist." Aria nervously laughed.

The man held her arm and lightly pulled her towards a shady area. He turned to face her and his eyes glowed green. Aria was taken back by the sheer chance that she met someone who was like her.

"Believe me now?" The man asked.

She nodded as she stared at his face, "Ok, you win, anyway, it's getting dark. I have to go."

"Come with me."

"I'm sorry, I..I can't." Aria stuttered out.

"Come on, Aria, with your power, we can accomplish anything." He held on to both of her shoulders.

Aria was surprised that he knew her name and realized that she was in a bad position right now. She quickly threw a punch towards his face and while he was momentarily stunned, she ran. She ran to the only place where she felt even remotely safe. 


Aria pushed the loft doors with all her strength, beads of sweat streaming down her face. Scott turned around to see her, anger etched across his face.

"Where did you go?" He shouted.

"Nowhere, just went for a walk." Aria replied, confused by his anger.

"You know it's not safe for you to wander around." He stepped closer, almost towering over her.

"I don't need your protection, incase you forgot, I've been on my own for a long time now." Aria spoke with equal volume.

"Theo and Gerard are out there, they know about you and you think it's smart to go outside." Scott snarled back at her.

"What's going on?" Stiles entered the room to see a heated argument between them.

"She thinks it's a good idea to leave the loft and walk around!" Scott exclaimed. 

"I don't need your opinion." Aria huffed and walked past him to the balcony.

"You might think no one cares about you and we all do and it will be our responsibility if something happened to you." Scott yelled out.

"I'm not your beta Scott." With that, Aria left the room, leaving an angry Scott and Stiles who stood there awkwardly.


"Hey. Where were you?" Isaac asked her as she leaned against the cold railing of the balcony.

"Not you too." Aria sighed.

"Aria, we care about you, I care about you. If something happened..." Isaac turned to face her.

"I just wanted to leave this place, it's like being trapped. I've been alone for so long that I forgot about other people." Aria admitted.

"I know that feeling." Isaac spoke quietly.

"What?" Aria asked him, curious to know.

"My father used to lock me in a freezer for hours, I was always terrified of him and what he would do to me." Isaac told her, a blank expression sprawled across his face.

"That's horrible." Aria felt bad for him.

"Well, a kanima killed him and after that, Derek offered the bite. Since I had no more family, I took it." 

The word family immediately triggered memories of Allison to appear in Aria's mind, "I wish Allison was here. I wish I could see her one last time."

"Me too. She was really brave, sometimes brave enough to do stupid things." Isaac let out a small laugh.

"She died saving me, I'll never forget that." Isaac added.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this one, I know it's kinda short but I promise there will be some long ones coming.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been a little busy.

Keep commenting and voting!

Also, comment some requests for my Teen Wolf Imagines!

Thank you for reading ❤️


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