S07E19: Wounded

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The cool breeze of November hit her face like shards of ice as she sliced her way through. Anger pumping through her veins, as her feet rapidly hit the ground, the dimly lit streets allowing her to use her inhumane speed. 

There it was. The same old feeling of running. For the past few years, all she has been doing was running. Running from menacing people, strange animals and lethal bullets. Facing all of this, alone. Her only friend being, fear, something that she had grown attached to so intensely that she believed everyone and everything was out to get her. But none of that mattered now, for she had found her father, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Isaac, Malia and Derek; her family.

Once, she had reached her destination, she kicked down the door with the rage built up inside her, forcefully turning her head to look out for danger. A sudden outburst of laughter from behind her sent chills down her spine as she turned around. Face to face with the one she hated most.

"Gerard." Aria spoke, threateningly.

"Ah, my dear granddaughter." He returned, a grin forming.

"Where is he? Where have you kept him?" She asked, referring to Chris.

Gerard walked to the wall near him and slammed his hand on the light switch, illuminating the entire room. Aria gasped as she heard a faint voice calling her name.

"Dad!" She ran towards him, crouching on her knees while helping him sit up, "Come on, let's get out of here."

"No. You need to go. He's going to take kill you." Chris backed away from her, "Leave me, Aria. You need to go."

"I'm not leaving without you." Aria firmly stated.

"Are you done?" Gerard said as he watched their interaction, amused.

"You are dead." Aria said quietly as she stood up.

"Oh, you people are so dramatic." Gerard walked closer, flicking his wrists to make his claws appear, his neon green eyes dead-set on her. "Now, let's have some fun, shall we?"

Aria pounced from her spot with immense force and swung her hands at his face. Gerard moved from her attack and kicked her side. Aria fell down, clutching her stomach as she used her elbow to prop herself up. She grabbed a long rod that was lying next to her and launched it at him, successfully hitting her target. Gerard pushed her back with his legs and stood up, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small remote. He pressed the button, causing a metal cage to trap Aria in her spot. She lunged towards the bars to break them but failed.

"You stupid child. Even after all these years, you still don't know how to fight. Carelessly fighting, blinded by your fury against me. I'm surprised you're alive." Gerard spoke, walking around the cage.

"You will not win." Aria replied with utmost hatred.

"Look around. You're trapped in this cage and I'm standing outside." He laughed.

"What do you want from me?" Aria asked, glaring at him.

"It's a shame Allison had to go, you were never my favorite one. Seeing you become a werewolf only increased the chances of her being in danger." Gerard said, turning away from her.

Seeing an opportunity, Aria pulled out her phone to text Scott. 


To her luck, her phone ran out of battery, she prayed that the message got sent. She quickly stuffed her phone back in her pocket before Gerard noticed and returned her attention to him.

"You are a disgrace to our family. You are no Argent." Gerard spoke with a tone of finality.

Just as he finished speaking, Scott bust through the door, a loud sound booming from his side as the door fell on the ground. Gerard clutched his ears as his special abilities amplified the sound. Aria smiled as she knew how this was going to end, Gerard losing. Scott launched himself toward Gerard and began swinging his claws arounds just like Aria had done a while ago. Taking in the powerful attacks from Scott, Gerard backed away to his desk and subtly grabbed his gun without Scott's knowledge. Gerard stood up, gun in his hand, a smirk upon his face. The blood from Aria's face drained as she recognized the very same gun that he had pointed at her a few years ago. The one with the wolfsbane bullets.

"SCOTT! NO! GET OUT!" Aria screamed.

The trigger was pulled.

As darkness swept over his vision, the last thing Scott heard was Aria crying out his name.

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