S07E17: Reflection

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Aria trailed her fingers along the intricate designs sprawled across the surface of the wooden table. Her eyes fixed on a stack of papers that seemed to be clogging up the space. She grabbed a rifle and looked through the lens aiming towards a plastic board shaped like a man. She took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

"Think you need bullets for that to work."

"I know dad, I'm just checking it out." Aria replied placing the rifle on the table.

Chris stood there watching her move across the room, "I never thought I would see you again."

"Me neither." Aria looked down at the floor, her eyes captivated by a small box stowed away under the table. She reached down and picked it up, looking towards Chris for permission to which she got a nod. Inside, there were five holes, four of them held a single bullet each. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the missing bullet.

"My grandfather gave that to me when I first started hunting, he told me to pass it on to someone else. I gave them to Allison when she started."

"And she gave one to me."

Chris nodded, gathering all the papers on the table and placing them in a neat pile. Aria watched him clean until she turned her head to face a bookshelf. She gazed at all the dusty classics lined up against each other and saw a piece of paper sticking out from behind the books. Reaching over to pick it up, she realized that it was an old picture of her dad with her aunt, Kate.

"What happened to her?" Aria looked at her dad, raising the picture so he could see.

"Oh, it's a long story. Kate got a bit obsessed with hunting and somehow she ended up turning into a werejaguar, we fought, a lot. It was a huge mess. I haven't seen her a long time." Chris explained, not looking to pleased about the situation.

Aria placed the picture back on the shelf and turned towards the window observing the luminous moon creeping out of the plethora of clouds, silently confirming her statement that her family was seriously crazy. 


Aria leaned against the balcony railing and watched the clouds dance across the sky. Mesmerized by the sight, her mind began to replay the memories of Allison that she had kept. She shut her eyes, trying to grasp on to the image of her sister, refusing her mind to pull those memories away from her vision. She jumped on her spot as a she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, pulling her away from the trance. Isaac stood in front of her, his expression swiftly changing as he noticed the colour of her eyes began to change into a familiar gold. 

"Your eyes, you're shifting." Isaac told her, hoping she would control herself.

Aria looked down at her hands, claws emerging from her fingers, she looked at the full moon trying to calm herself. Aria looks at Isaac for a second before raising her hands and pushing him to the side, she entered the living room of the loft and saw that Scott, Stiles, Derek and Malia were looking at her, confused. 

"What's goin- Oh my god!" Stiles exclaimed as he saw Aria coming towards him, ready to dig her claws into his skin. 

Scott jumped from his seat and stood right in front of Aria, gripping both of her wrists to prevent her from hurting anyone. Aria struggled against his strength  and started kicking everything in order to get out of his death grip. Scott pushed her so she landed on her back, restraining her movement, hoping she would snap out of it.

"Aria!" Scott shouted, trying to get her attention, "Listen to me, listen to my voice. This is not you Aria, I know you, you're better than this. You need to take control of your mind and focus on your surroundings. We're not going to hurt you, you are not going to hurt anyone. Just focus on one thought, calm down." 

Aria slowly began to stop fighting, Scott released her from his hold and helped her stand up.

"Keep talking to her, it's working. You're becoming her anchor." Derek whispered not wanting to trigger anything. Isaac clenched his fists as he heard the last sentence, feeling slightly jealous of Scott.

"Aria, repeat after me. Alpha. Beta. Omega. Alpha. Beta. Omega." Scott gently held her arms to her side until she began repeating after him. Sighing after she visibly calmed down, he looked at her, concerned.

"What happened?" Malia asked her.

"I don't know, I was just thinking and something just got triggered inside me." Aria replied, looking ashamed.

"Hey, it's ok. This happens sometimes, I was like this too. You don't have to feel scared." Scott reassured her. 

Aria nodded thankfully, "This hasn't happened to me in a long time, I don't know why I couldn't control it."

"Maybe because you were alone and distracted on trying to survive?" Stiles suggested.

"Maybe." Aria replied quietly. 

Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry for not updating in over a month. I don't have any excuse for not updating, I'm sorry.

I know this one was kinda short but it's really just a filler and I apologize for that.

Thank you for everyone who is still reading this!

 You guys are the best!!!

2.8K reads! INSANE 😲

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