S07E05: Unexpected Events

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Scott ran at full speed towards the hospital desk when the elevators opened.

"Have you seen my mom?" He asked, scaring the man behind the desk whose expression faltered.

"Scott!" Scott turned as he heard Stiles's voice echo through the deserted hallway to see Stiles pointing at a room at the other side of the corridor.

Scott rushed past his friends and busted through the doors causing all the doctors and nurses to turn towards him. He looked around the room to find his mom and shut the door in embarrassment when he didn't see her there. Scott faced away from the door and heard a soft whisper saying his name, he looked at the direction of the whisper to see him mom peeping through the small window pane on the door.

"Mom!" Scott's expression softened as he pushed the door and ran to hug her.

"Scott, I'm so glad you're ok. Listen, the police came in yesterday and dropped off 9 bodies with fangs, claws and green eyes. No one apart from me here knows that they are not human and I'm assuming you want to keep it that way." Melissa stated, trying to remain calm.

Scott moved towards one of the beds with a body and picked up the hand to see many claw marks, he leaned in closer and heard a faint heartbeat.

"They're not dead." He said, moving away to look at the other bodies.

"No, but we need to figure out how to fix this otherwise this could be really bad." She replied with an obvious hint of fear.

"I think I know someone who can." Scott replied leaving the room in a rush and signaled his friends who were walking around.

"Guys, its exactly like what my mom said, these people are turning into werewolves and we have to fix this before this happens to anyone else." Scott said without taking a breath.

"So, they have green eyes?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

Scott nodded before replying, "I have a strong feeling that they weren't bitten."

"Well, Lydia and I can go to the woods to see if there are anymore." Malia suggested.

"Yeah, and I'll stay here with Melissa, we'll try to find a reason as to why this is happening." Chris piped in before running off in the direction Scott came from.

"Ok, I think there's someone in particular who can help us." Scott looked at Stiles and nodded, they ran to Stiles's car where Derek and Isaac joined them.


All four of them walked towards the closed door of the Animal Clinic, Stiles reached and pushed it but failed. Isaac stepped in and pushed the door with ease while maintaining a charming smile, making Stiles roll his eyes.

"It's nice to see that people can understand basic signs such as CLOSED." Deaton bluntly stated before turning around to see Scott looking tensed.

"We need your help." Scott stated, hoping Deaton would follow his point.

"Help with what?" Deaton asked to everyone's surprise.

"Do you not see what's going on?" Derek slammed his hands on the metal desk, causing small objects to fall to the floor.

Deaton still kept a blank face, continuing to tidy up his workspace.

"Well, people are suddenly going into the woods and are turning into werewolves and we need to know how and why." Isaac casually stated playing with the rubber gloves that were on the table.

"Werewolves?" Deaton said with a surprised tone, "What did they look like?"

"Like us, but they had green eyes." Scott replied hoping Deaton would know the cause and solution.

"Green ey-" Deaton started but got interrupted by a phone ringing.

Scott, Derek and Isaac turned towards Stiles who answered his phone after fidgeting with his pocket.

"Hello? Lyd-" Stiles said.

"Stiles! It's here! The-" Lydia answered but got cut off by the poor signal.

"WHAT? WHAT'S THERE?" Stiles shouted into his phone, almost dropping it.

"The Nemeton! It's here, you have to see this." Lydia said before ending the call.

Stiles put his phone down and swallowed a lump in his throat, looking at all the puzzled expressions in the room, "It's here, the Nemeton."

Scott's eyes grew big in astonishment and he raced out the Clinic followed by the other three and they drove to the woods.


"It's huge." Isaac stated.

"It smells weirdly familiar, I don't know where I remember it from." Scott admitted.

"Whatever it is, it's attracting humans and turning them into supernatural creatures." Lydia said, facing all of them, "If we don't stop this, all the people of Beacon Hills could turn into werewolves."

Stiles gulped at Lydia's statement and walked towards the Nemeton, sniffing in the oddly familiar scent too, "Why is this here? Deaton said it was in France."

"It probably felt drawn to here." Malia answered.

"Scott, remember what Deaton said about the White Monkshood, about it being some kind of poison? It smells very similar to this, what if the Nemeton is poisoned?" Stiles concluded his point, looking at Scott whose eyes were focused on the Nemeton.

"Then he can figure out a cure." Scott said before running, "Go to the hospital, check the other bodies."


Scott pushed the door to the Animal Clinic and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He walked inside only to see an empty room. He turned around in confusion and wished to see Deaton but he didn't. He walked closer to one of the desks to see a broken bottle on the floor, with pills scattered on the ground. He turned his head in an instant when he caught the very strange scent of the White Monkshood, realizing that all of it was dumped on the desk and its stench was slowly invading the room. He ran out the Clinic and heard someone coughing, he walked to the back to see Deaton leaning against the wall.

"Deaton!" Scott called out.

Deaton turned to look at Scott and ran away in the direction of the woods but not before Scott could catch a glimpse of his eyes, green. Scott stood there for a moment before his phone started ringing.

"Scott?" It was Stiles, Scott sensed the worried tone of his voice.

"What?" Scott asked, anxiously waiting for the bad news.

"We couldn't find your mom or Argent so we tried checking the security footage and they seemed to have sniffed the Monkshood coming from the bodies. They ran out the hospital but the front camera caught their faces, Scott, they turned into werewolves." Stiles replied, waiting for Scott's reaction but got surprised by the silence.

"So did Deaton." Scott added before shutting his phone and looking towards the woods in dread.

Hey guys! Thank you for all the reads. Hope you are enjoying this story line, we are halfway through Season 7A! I'm so excited to write the remaining 5 episodes before starting Season 7B! But Deaton, Chris and Melissa are werewolves, what!, bet you never saw that coming...

Anyway, next episode will be posted on Thursday so check that out!

Keep commenting and voting!


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