S07E07: Honourable Sacrifice

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The street lights were flickering, the trash was sprawled across the roads attracting a crowd of people to gather around the mess created. People were exchanging glances at each other, quiet whispers being passed around. With this huge problem in front of them, no one noticed the distinct pairs of green eyes staring at them from a distance before they ran off into the twilight.

Scott and Stiles arrived at the scene a few minutes later to check up on the commotion.

"How much do you bet that this was because of the Nemeton?" Stiles piped up.

Scott nodded and sighed deeply, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at the road far ahead, catching a slight glimpse of the electric green eyes, his eyes glowed red and he darted at full speed, ignoring all the people who were around him. Stiles looked next to him to say something only to see that Scott was not there but running with his alpha speed.

"Screw those werewolves." Stiles muttered under his breath watching Scott disappear into the night.

He pulled his phone out and saw 19 missed called from Lydia, his eyes widened as the thought of her getting hurt raced through his head. He quickly dialed her number and only had to wait for a span of 5 seconds for her to pick up.

"Lydia! Are you ok? Are you hurt, did something attack you?" Stiles spoke at lightning speed.

"Stiles! I'm fine but we found something that could potentially be very useful." She replied over his loud yelling.

Stiles wiped the sweat off of his forehead, "Ok."

"Jordan and I went to see the Nemeton and he said that part of it is breaking and its releasing some of its scent and power. That's how these people turned into werewolves."

"Breaking?" Stiles replied, digesting the new information.

"Breaking." Lydia confirmed.

"Oh god, breaking." Stiles puffed out the air he was holding in, "This is great, I'll call you later."

With that, Stiles looked around at all the people near him, taking in all their facial expressions that mostly represented an emotion most similar to being scared. He got into his car and sat there with his face in his hands. He jerked back up with there was a sudden voice speaking through the PA system, he turned the volume up and listened to the conversation. Unfortunately, the conversation was muffled and got cut off every few seconds.


Although Stiles only heard fragments of the conversation, it didn't take him long to understand what was happening. He called the one person who can always save the day, Scott.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up." He mumbled into the phone with his hands running through his hair.

"Hello?" Scott answered.

"Scott, where are you?" Stiles asked him.

"I ran after them but I lost them, I can't even track them by their scent." Scott said, he seemed to be panting.

"Well, I have some even better news. Some officer just reported that patients at Eichen House escaped, wonder who did that?" Stiles stated, sarcasm laced in his voice.

"I'll see you there."


Stiles parked his car nearby before rushing towards Scott who was examining one of the bodies being carried away by some paramedics. Stiles was about to walk past the gate but a hand stopped him.

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