S07E11: Face of Mystery

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"Wait!" Scott shouted at the running figure, he ran with all his might, slicing through the cool, crisp air.

The girl turned around to look at him then quickly dashed, Scott stopped in his path, knowing that he couldn't catch her as a human. He put his hands in his pocket and pulled out a bullet that was engraved with the symbol of a family that he had a love-hate relationship with. The Argents.

"I'll find you." He whispered looking into the dark sky.


"So, she's a werewolf?" Stiles asked Scott.

"I don't know but she's not human." Scott replied looking around the table at everyone's expressions.

"Perfect." Lydia stated, as she slightly rolled her eyes.

"We have to find her again, there has to be a reason for why she had this." Scott said as he pulled out the bullet.

"Maybe she got shot?" Stiles suggested.

"No blood." Malia said, examining it.

"Alright, maybe she just found it?" Stiles shrugged.

"Argent would never drop this on the street, it's not a coin." Scott firmly replied.

"Well Scott, I'm tired, it's 2 in the morning for God's sake, give me a break." Stiles threw his arms in the air, pressing his point.

"Stiles's is right, we should discuss this later, and frankly, I'm quite exhausted from the Star Wars marathon." Lydia replied, taking Stiles's hand.


"Scott?" Deaton walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Is everything alright?"

Scott looked up at him and let out a breath, "It just feels like I can't do anything anymore, ever since I lost my powers, I'm useless."

"You're a kind person Scott, the fact that you have a desire to help others shows your true intentions. Werewolf or not, you're still a true alpha."

Scott nodded at him before standing up, "Thanks Deaton."


"It's not bad, Scott. I mean look at me, I'm human and I haven't killed myself yet. That's gotta be a good sign, right?" Stiles tried to cheer up Scott.

Scot didn't reply but just looked out of the window as Stiles drove quite quickly, "Slow down, you're way above the limit."

"It's not me, it's Roscoe." Stiles replied, focused on the road.

"Roscoe?" Scott asked, a smile forming on his face.

"What?" Stiles looked at him, "Really? In these 7 years, I haven't told you that my car is called Roscoe?"

Scott laughed at that before turning his gaze back toward the road. In the corner of his eyes, he saw a familiar figure dash into the bushes, his eyes went wide as he realized that it was the same girl.

"Stiles." He shouted, making his friend leap in his seat due to the sudden outburst.

"What?" Stiles shouted.

"It's that girl!" Scott said, taking the steering wheel from Stiles.

They followed her agile movements before she disappeared into the woods, Stiles groaned as they got out of the car and began running. They reached a dead end and turned around to see multiple paths going in different directions.

"Alright, we'll split up." Scott quickly stated.

"Are you kidding? Have you not seen any horror movies to know that that is a stupid decision?" Stiles exclaimed.

Scott dismissed the question and ran straight with Stiles following closely behind, they stopped after a while because of Stiles's loud panting.

"You know, I can finally catch up to you, unlike before." Stiles breathed out as he bent over to catch his breath.

"We lost her." Scott said, furrowing his eyebrows, "I haven't done anything properly since I lost my powers."

"Scott, it's just gonna take some time, alright?" Stiles tried to calm his friend down.

Angrily, Scott kicked a stone on the ground, it made a loud sound as it hit a large pipe. They both looked at each other before running towards the pipe.

"The ground underneath is hollow, she could be there!" Stiles stated as he walked inside the pipe, with Scott following him.

They climbed down a hole to enter a dark room with a single light bulb that was flickering.

"Getting some mad horror movies vibes here." Stiles whispered as he stood close to Scott.

"Just be quiet, we don't know what's here." Scott replied, scanning the room for any threats.

They both turned their heads as they heard faint footsteps, they followed the sound which lead them to an empty hall way. Stiles saw the girl run into a room on the other side and signaled Scott. They tiptoed their way to the room and realized that they had trapped her.

"Hello?" Scott asked her.

She turned around to face them, a mix of emotions written on her face, the next thing she said confused both of them.

"Where's Allison?"

Hey guys! Hope you liked the start of Season 7B. I know this was shorter than other episodes but don't worry this is just to build the story.

I know I said this already but THANK YOU for all the reads, I'm so grateful that you guys enjoy this.

Don't forget to comment and vote, if you have any questions, just ask!

Question of the day:

Who's your celebrity crush?


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