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Hi I thought to give u another update.

Recap; Ragini n Laksh had a face off. Ragini slapped Laksh n runs into the canteen. Laksh followed her but the door were closed.

Laksh went back to the baskedball field. - damn it she is save but just for now! I will get her punished... -. 

Just then he hears the bell. Sanskaar comes out of the class he directly went to Laksh.

Laksh throw the ball on him. Sans caught it. Laksh; how was the class? Sans; too gud. I got Ragini thrown out of then class 😁. Laksh; fantastic so u r the reason y I had to see her manoos chera {unlucky face}.

Sans hit his palm on his forehead. Lucky u r too much. Leave her now. Laksh; I can't she... - No I can't tell him that she slapped me again -. Sans; hey Lucky what happen?. Laksh; nothing she hides in canteen. Sans; what y? Laksh; bcz I was behind her???. Sans; n we r u here? I mean y didn't u followed her? Laksh; are I did but... Sans; what? Laksh; she closed the door in scare. He said with a little bit proud n arrogance.

Sans wasn't thinking much abt it. Laksh was looking at the canteen he saw a shadow. Laksh went their Sans followed him. Both looked through the window. Ragini was running she was trying to escape....

LakSan looked at each other both r pranksters but would never hit a woman or even misbehave with a woman dignity.

Both were trying to open the door. But no way. They attempts a run from distance n hit against the door. Ragini hears it. She was crying n fear for her life.

Ragini; bachao {help}!!! She was pleading n shouting.

Another attempt by the boys n the door lock broke.

Ragini just saw the door which was now open. She run with tears n hugs the first person who come to her rescue.

Laksh was hell surprised when Ragini hugs him. Sans too was shocked but in this situation it is normal n he hasn't tried anything wrong No he saved her. Well they saved her from Sahil.

Sahil comes in front of them. Give her to me. I will solve ir problem with her. Ragini fumes in anger she pushed him away n gave him another slap.

Laksh was numb holding his red cheek. Ragini; chi u r disgusting. First u pushed me. Then u used ur gf to insult me by her slap n now this how far will u fall. 😭. She left from there in a cry that it could break everyone.

Laksh made a fist it didn't took much time when he trashed Sahil red n blue. How dare u to even think of this? Laksh slapped him. Who told u to that? He slapped him again. Tell me or else I will kill u. Sans was trying to release Sahil from Laksh grip but Laksh was on top there was no one who could stop him.

Sahil was trying to speak but Laksh was continuesly slapping him. Sans; are Lucky let him speak. Laksh stops. Tell me!. He shouts at him.

Sahil;.. Ka... He was breathing hard. Ka... Kavya.

The principal was listening to all Ragini went to call him to punish Laksh but here it all turns on Laksh favor. He was the one who saved her. He was the one who helped her. He was the one who fought for her. 

The principal suspended Sahil n Kavya. Laksh; Kavya when will u understand stay away from me. I don't want anything from u. Just stay away n REMEMBER ONE THING RAGINI N MY FIGHT IS NON OF UR BUSINESS.

Kavya tried to talk to Laksh but he just ignores her n left. Ragini was feeling weird or confused. Should she thank him or just forget it...???.


I know again short but this ff will be made by short updates hope u don't mind I will try to update longer updates too.

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