The match

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Recap; Laksh realises his feelings toward Ragini but Deep played his game on Ragini n made her believe him, that Laksh is only using her.

It's been 3 weeks now Ragini didn't talked to Laksh she is completely ignoring him. Not a single gaze she gives him.

Laksh who had finally passed his exams is happy but he is very sad as he has lost the honest friend he ever had besides Sans. He was trying to talk to her but Ragini was ignoring him. In fact she was spending much time with Deep even in the dance class she changed the partner n is now with Deep which irks him even more.

Sans n Laksh were sitting again on the same bench as Ragini requested Sans to change with her as she doesn't want to be near him. She even changed the bench as Sans was sitting in front of them but Ragini was now sitting in the middle row 3rd bench. Far away from them.

Sans; Lucky will u please explain what had happen between u too?!. Laksh looked at him. He was very upset but didn't had an answer as he doesn't know y she is ignoring him. The kiss wasn't forced but the way she behaved with him afterwards like he is using her for his benefits... that hurt him a lot.

More days passed like this he tried to talk to her but she always ignores him she even warned him. Laksh stay away or I will complain against U!.

Laksh; Ragini enough now! U r behaving like if I have done a crime. But I haven't done anything wrong! Tell me what happened?!.

Ragini shook her head. Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari u better stop with ur talk I'm not interested in any conversation with U. Just go to hell!.

Laksh; Ragini tomorrow r the finals. I hope u will come for the team! After all u r the reason that I could play n participate please?!.

Ragini leaves without a word. Laksh made a fist in anger he was sure to make her his. But she is so stubborn she isn't listening to him.

Laksh was at home he was staring on his plate when DP said something to him which surprised him.

DP; Laksh! I'm very proud of U! U did it! U passed the exams n u r back on the team I will come tomorrow to see ur match. What u say?! Laksh; really?!. DP nods haan really!. Laksh smiles he was happy finally his father was showing some interest in him but he wanted Ragini...

On the next day Ragini was sitting on the old bench. Sans come to her. As he saw her alone he thought to talk to her abt the problem / rift.

Sans; Hi Ragini how r u?!. Ragini smiles. Hi Sans I'm fine n u?!. Sans; I'm okay... Ragini; y r u here the match has started shouldn't u be there?! Sans was looking at her. Haan I should be but... he shows his feet. Ragini shocked. Sans what happen?! Sans; oh forget this! Don't u want to come n cheer us? I was just abt to go there?? Ragini shook her head. Sans; what happen Ragini did Laksh...?! She looked at him. Don't take his name in front of me.

Sans was shocked. Acha Ragini I won't take his name in front of u! But tell me do u liked him?! Ragini; what?! Sans; did u liked him?. Ragini fumes in anger. Even if what does it matter?! Sans; it does matter bcz something happens between u both. Neither is he ready to talk nor r u! But I want to know what is going on!

Ragini; nothing! She leaves from there. Sans went to the basketball game. They were all in her gym.

Laksh was playing fine he wasn't giving his 100% even not after seeing his father who really come as he had promised it.

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