RagLak journey

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Hi ok my last update for today Anzana_Bista01 for u 🙂.

Recap; Laksh saved Ragini. Kavya n Sahil were suspended. Ragini is confused.

Laksh was leaving with Sanskaar when Ragini comes to them. Laksh n Sans stopped seeing her but Laksh turned his face. U want to give me another slap? Ragini pout. I come to apologies to u but u na r not worth it. U just have no manners how to talk to anyone! Ragini turned to leave but her gud manners stopped her. She turns once again hold her hands n said sorry for accusing u n thank u for saving me. She left.

Sans looked at her with big eyes n looked at Laksh. Sans; Lucky asked her. Maybe she will help u? Laksh; no that would be exactly that what she wants. Sans; means? Laksh reminds him abt her Raginis words after Kavya slapped her. Sans hold his head. Lucky if ur result stay bad u will not participate in the finals of the basketball 🏀 match. That is the trainers word not my.

Laksh pout he stamps with his feet on the ground. I know y he has to be so bad. Sans; he is not bad but right if u fail again what will ur papa say? Laksh thought of his father n shivers.

Laksh runs after Ragini.
Laksh; stop Ragini wait! Ragini stopped hearing his voice. Ragini turns to him. Yes Laksh what u want now.

Laksh was out of breath - y she walks that fast? -.

Ragini looked at him. Tell me y u stopped me? Laksh; woh... Ragini; woh kiya? What? Laksh; I need some tuition could u... he was struggling with the word "help". Ragini had crossed her arms in front of her chest with a smirk on her face. U need tuition she asked him with an evil smile. Laksh could feel it like a cold shiver it runs down his spine. He shivers once. Ragini I need ur help. He bites on his tongue.

Ragini smirks. That sounds like a melody. U want my help. Laksh should his hand 🤚. Ragini take it as an exchange of my help a kind of return of my gud deed?. Ragini looked at him. Let me think abt it. I will give u an answer by tomorrow. Laksh fumes in anger he made a fist.

Ragini saw n enjoyed it but now she was in advantage he has to wait for her answer. Ragini left Laksh was standing there n Sans come. What happen Lucky what she said?. Laksh gave him a death glare. She needs time to think abt it n will give me her answer tomorrow. Sans couldn't hold his laugh 😂 he burst out.

Laksh just went from there n reached home. AP was waiting for him today his father DP got the notice from the college abt his bad marks n results. DP was angry very angry 😡. Laksh enters the house 🏠 just then AP comes n stands in front of him. Laksh understood. Papa got to know? AP nod. Laksh took a deep breath 😔 sooner or later I had to face him.

AP was upset she knew this father son duo r both stubborn n determined both will stand up to their words.

DP was waiting in the hall for Laksh. Laksh comes in front of DP. DP; oh Laksh u found the way home? Laksh nod. Yeah I did! He grinned 😁. DP; u think it is funny? If u fail I will throw u out of my house n u can live on the streets. Without my money n name u r nothing. Laksh was hearing his words but they didn't effect him. DP; don't you want to say anything? Laksh; I will pass! He leaves saying this.

AP stopped DP. Please let him go. DP; u n ur love have spoiled him. Look at him how he talked to me. AP; but what he said wrongly he said he will passed nothing more. DP; it is not what he said but how he did say it without respect.

Ragini comes home Shekhar was waiting for her. Jaanki had prepared food n it was ready served but Ragini had went to the near by Tempel to pray. Today Laksh had asked for help yes finally he is the one in need. I will change him! He has to change! Otherwise I won't help him further!  Thank u God u gave me strength. I could survive n I will keep fighting.

Ragini comes home with a smile 😊. Shekhar; Ragini where were u been? Ragini; woh Papa I went to Tempel for a long pray. Jaanki; really? Ragini nod. Haan today was the best day. I told u na abt Laksh? Shekhar face expression changed. Haan what is with him? What he did today? Ragini sat next to him n told them both all what happen. Jaanki; he helped u so u have to help me! Ragini; Haan ma I will help him.

Ragini was eating with her family whereas Laksh was hungry in his room. AP comes in n feeds him with her hands. Laksh was happy at least his mother loves him unconditionally.

Hope u liked it
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