First obstacle

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Recap; Ragini ready to help Laksh. But only if he keeps on the 3 conditions.

1st no ragging, 2nd her call he has to obey n 3rd he shouldn't harass her anymore. Laksh agreed.

They were all sitting outside at the campus besides Ragini she was at the library. Ragini was reading a book. Well more than one....

Laksh was playing basketball ball with his friends when his teacher come n asked him if he has found a solution for his misery

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Laksh was playing basketball ball with his friends when his teacher come n asked him if he has found a solution for his misery.

Laksh; coach I have found someone who will give me tuitions.

Coach; great who n when u will start?

Laksh; Ragini n as soon as she says.

Coach; Ragini... Ragini Gadodia is helping u?

Laksh nod. Yes Sir she is helping me!

Coach; then what the hell r u doing here? U should be with her learning or else u won't past the exams n u won't be able to participate in the finals.

Laksh gulps. Sir please don't say that!

Coach; get ready for ur pre exams if u past them I can take u along with us. U got it!

Laksh nods he rushes to find Ragini... he calls out her name. Ragini...! Someone answers. Haan? He turns 😟 wrong one. U saw Ragini Gadodia??? library!!  Laksh; thx.

Laksh enters the library... he was overwhelmed by the amount of books he looks around n shouts Ragini!

All looked at him showing psst🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭Laksh moves backwards making a weird face

All looked at him showing psst🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭Laksh moves backwards making a weird face

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Laksh; Ragini!!! Again he calls for her this time he lowered his voice volume. Ragini felt embarrass she stood up n walks out of her hideout.

Laksh smiles seeing her. Ragini was shocked. Laksh comes near ready for tuition? Ragini shook her head. What is wrong with u! She took him to her corner... Laksh was checking out the place.

Ragini; what the hell is wrong with u? Y u behaved like this n was it necessary to call out my name in the library where u have to stay quiet.

Laksh; just chill n tell me where did I find this place. He hands were on each side Ragini didn't know when n how it happens but Laksh was standing just an inch away from her her back was on the bookshelf he blocked her way looking deep into her eyes.

Ragini gud confused abt his behaviour.. L..Laa...Laksh... please leave my way! Laksh; but Ragini u told me na not to harass u anymore so I'm trying to change a bit.

He comes closer to her. Btw do u know how to wear modern clothes bcz these clothes r old fashion.

Ragini pushes him away in anger. Laksh! I told abt my 3 conditions n besides them I haven't called u yet. Laksh; I know but my Coach said I have the last the pre exams n then he can take me alone the other's for the finals. Please Ragini we have to start.

Ragini; uff fine. Sit! Laksh; where? Ragini; here! She sat on the ground next to her books. Laksh too sat there but he had no intention to read a book. Ragini was trying to ignore him but it was not possible she loves him too much.

Laksh was pouting looking at all the books but he had no feeling to do anything besides pranks but he was not allowed.

Ragini; Laksh at least try to read a book! Laksh; which one should I read??? They r all so big!!! Ragini looks at him. Ok tell me which of the subjects of urs u fail! Laksh thought 🤔. I fail in history! Ragini stood up n took a book abt history.

Ragini comes n gave him the book. Read it!. Again Laksh pout. The book is too big. Ragini; shh just read it! Laksh rolls his eyes n agrees.

Ragini was taking a 2nd book when she looked at Laksh. She was hell shocked to see a sleeping  Laksh holding the book as a pillow...!

Ragini fumes in anger she kicked him awake. Laksh; ouch! He yawns at the same time. Ragini; Laksh u r too much this book is to read not to sleep over it!.

Laksh turns his face. I thought u r going to give me some tuition helpful one but this I can do on my own.

Ragini looked at him with unbelievable face expression. U could do it on ur own. Ok fine u don't need me or my help! Wanna day best of luck Lakshya Maheshwari!

Ragini stood up taking a book of the shelf she lefts. Laksh follows her. She went into another room n Laksh followed like puppy.

Ragini put her bag aside when she saw Laksh in the lady's restroom. Ya he enters the restroom without noticing.

Ragini; Laksh what r u doing here?! This is the lady's room get out!!!!!

Laksh just realised what she said n rushed out. Shit now I'm gone. What will she do with me? Ragini comes out after a few sec.

Laksh; hmm small work ha 🙃. Ragini; shut up! What the hell is wrong with u! U can't just enter the lady's room.

Laksh; I'm sorry I just followed u thinking u will go n lear. But no u r just here to take some rest...!!! 😂.

Ragini; Laksh! Enough I really want to help me u but it seems like u don't want nor u need my help, it's better if u find someone else who might be able to help u.

She left saying this. Laksh runs after her. Ragini!!!! Ragini please I'm sorry... look I'm sorry I'm really sorry ok now please forgive me!

Ragini; Laksh u will just have one chance n here too only one chance but if u play those stupid pranks I won't be able to help so please think before taking any promises.

Laksh nod. Ragini please u r right I was wrong ok. Now please help me!!!!

Sorry for the delay again
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