Prologue Part 1: Rise Of a New Empire

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"Never did I think that my time would be coming so short..." A dry voice calls out. In the Death Star, Darth Sidious, known to the Republic before it's destruction as Sheev Palpatine, sits in his chair close to death. His apprentice, Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, kneels in front of him.

"Master, I can sense that you will not live long." Vader says.

"I understand that too." Sidious silently cackles. "I just have one wish for you."

"What is it that you ask of me, master?" Vader asks.

"When I die, take my position as leader of the galactic empire so it does not fall into chaos like the republic did." Sidious says as he struggles to keep his eyes open.

"It shall be done." Vader says with a hint of emotion. "May you forever rest in peace, master." And with that, Sidious let out a croak before shutting his eyes for good. Imperial guards and stormtroopers quickly surrounded the main room, blasters at the ready. "Lower your weapons. He has given me his final words."

"Yes sir." A stormtrooper obliges and everyone lowers their blasters. "What was his final plea?"

"That I become the new emperor to lead the galactic empire." Vader explains. "You once knew me as Darth Vader but now you may refer to me as Lord  Vader. May I recommend you do."

"Yes my lord." Another stormtrooper responds.

"Wait... I am sensing something..." Vader says as he enters a standing meditation. Quickly he nods up and the stormtroopers stand at attention. "I sense the force in three young children from Skywalker's home planet, Tatooine. I want them brought here alive and unharmed as they will make excellent apprentices."

"My lord, are you sure you want more than one apprentice?" A stormtrooper asks warily, afraid that Vader will force choke him. "It will be easier for them to overthrow you and we will no longer obey you if they do." He is relieved when Vader doesn't force his hand out but instead crosses his arms and looks off into space in muse.

"I understand the risks." Vader says, turning his head to face his stormtroopers. "I believe I can handle this well. Now go, bring our future sith jedi to me."

"Yes sir, right away sir." A stormtrooper shouts. "Alright men, move out!" When this has finished the guards have already removed Sidious' body from the throne and Vader takes his spot. The new emperor of the galactic empire has risen, and nothing will stop him from achieving one goal: total rebel extermination and taking over the entire universe.

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