Part 7: Bespin, Home Of the Twin Darths

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As we all escaped the ruins of Echo base and the imperial infested Hoth, we wound up seeing something that troubled us- a ship that resembled a face piloted by somebody we really didn't expect.

"That's Boba Fett!" Han says as we try to bolt, but it's useless, the ship manages to keep up with us, and we end up in an asteroid belt.

"Watch out for the asteroids!" I shout as we ninja our way about.

"We'd be out of here in a flash if the hyperdrive were working! Someone must have sabotaged it while we were in the base!" Han says as Chewbacca lets out a growl in reluctant agreement. "Chewie, see if you can find a way to lose that guy!"

"Wait a second... What's that?!" Leia and I shout as we rush to the front where we see an all too familiar base under reconstruction.

"No... Frickin... Way..." Han says, his mouth agape- the Death Star was already under reconstruction after only a few years of destroying it!

"Either these guys work fast or we didn't destroy it completely, but that superlaser they've got is probably already functional!" I shout as we suddenly feel a strong pulling force on the falcon- a tractor beam has snagged us!

"There's no way we're escaping THAT kind of hold. We gotta let it pull us and then we'll hide in the trash area so we can be seen as such." Han says as we play the waiting game. A few minutes of boredom pass and Han notices that the tractor beam has stopped, and he pilots the falcon next to a trash chute. The next thing you know we see a ton of trash being ejected out of the Death Star and we follow it's path for a bit until we think we've fooled Fett. With that we take a flight to Bespin, home of Cloud City with Han stating that a friend could probably help out the rebels. When we land, we are greeted by a man who's very well dressed. "This is Lando."

"Lando? That's an interesting name." I say before Leia playfully shoves me, making sure I don't fall off.

"He's actually a smuggler alongside me and the man I won my falcon from." Han chuckles.

"Oh shut up, I thought that was the past." Lando laughs.

"You never lived that one down did you?" Han laughs right back. "I won that sabaac game fair and square!" And with that funny little banter we were led to what we heard was a little night out in the tallest building of Cloud City, but what awaited us wasn't really what we expected. Behind the doors of where we would sit down were Lord Vader, Darth Syrtar, Darth Xiath and their apparent mother at the table, already sitting down and chowing down on some of the food placed on the table. They then stop eating and slowly look at us.

"Hello there." Lord Vader says blatantly.

"It was very nice of you to join us, though I doubt the feeling is if at all mutual. You probably want to slash our heads off no?" Darth Syrtar asks.

"Now that's not nice, even though they're rebels." Darth Syrtar's mother says.

"Sorry mom." Darth Syrtar sheepishly replies. Suddenly Han tries to shoot the two Darths, only for them to draw their lightsabers and reflect every shot and Lord Vader quickly snatches up his blaster.

"I will be keeping that for now." Lord Vader chuckles as stormtroopers surround us! We're trapped!

"Hey hey hey I thought that your stormtroopers WOULDN'T intervene!" A suddenly angry Lando shouts.

"We lied." Darth Xiath says. "Dad! Come take this smuggler to Vader!" She shouts as a stormtrooper with a pauldron throws Hans' arms behind his back and just about manhandles him, kicking him to make him move until he finally reaches Vader.

"Why am I not surprised?" Leia and I say.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Han complains.

"You've acquired quite a... Bounty on your head I may say." Vader says as a bounty hunter enters the room from the window. It is none other than Boba Fett!

"Yeah, and I'm here to collect it. How do you like a carbonite bath?" Fett asks with a cackle.

"No way I'm gonna get frozen!" Han shouts but the bounty hunter quickly ties him up.

"Too bad so sad, you already checked the box by coming here in the first place!" Fett shouts right back.

"You're nothing but a can of corrosion and a piece of bantha shit!" Han screams as Fett begins to haul him away towards a special place. "CURSE YOU VADER!!!"

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