Part 1: Padawans and Rebels

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"I can't shake them!" I shout. I'm in my jedi starfighter with a group of TIE fighters on me and they just don't let up! "Matt! I need you to do something about these guys, cause they look like they're about to fire!"

"Gabriella! Do a loop! That'll give me the opportunity!" Matt shouts back and I do so, confusing the pilots and allowing Matt to gun down the fighters on my six.

"Thank goodness!" I shout.

"You really need to learn some new tactics. You know you're not cannon fodder right?" Matt shouts as we retreat back to Yavin IV. When we land, captain Wedge Antilles awaits us.

"How's the young padawan?" He asks Matt.

"Doing good. She just needs to learn how to evade the presence of TIEs." Matt replies.

"It's not my fault they always target me!" I reply.

"Ha ha ha! Don't worry about it. You'll get better some day." Antilles says.

"Besides, I think she does better on the ground than in space." Matt replies as I whip out my lightsaber I constructed. I have a good connection with the force but I have yet to use it in battle. With that, I activate my lightsaber and Antilles is surprised by it.

"I've seen blue and green blades, many red ones too, but I've never seen a pink blade!" Antilles says.

"We took a red kyber crystal and a white one and fused them into one. The blade is only a couple inches longer than your usual lightsaber." Matt explains. "She really liked pink so we did it for her."

"I also use blasters. I always have two of them at the ready when I need them." I reply. Suddenly another lightsaber is ignited behind me and I turn around, only to see that it's just Luke.

"Please, lower your weapon young one." Another voice says. It belonged to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke's master, and Luke and I disarmed.

"We need to save the princess if we are to find out how to destroy that giant egg." Matt says, making me and Luke chuckle but Obi-Wan quickly breaks the humor.

"If anything we need a small group to breach the death star." Obi-Wan says as Han Solo and Chewbacca approach us.

"Did you say infiltration?" Han asks. "Let's take the Millennium Falcon. What we'll do is get ourselves captured, and then you jedi can break us out." And with that I punch him in the shoulder.

"No we're not gonna get ourselves captured. That thing probably has a tractor beam that will catch us one way or the other." Obi-Wan says.

"It probably does. Luke, Matt, Gabby, you're coming with me. Ben, you just stay around." Han calls out.

"Ben?" I ask.

"We don't call him that because we're afraid he will be exposed as a jedi." Han explains as we enter the Millennium Falcon. We take off and enter space, just out of range of the Death Star. Obi-Wan decided to forget what Han said and emerged sooner or later in his starfighter. "Are you deaf?! I just told you not to come with us!"

"I think I should. You've got nothing but uncivilized weapons." Obi-Wan simply replies.

"Alright, but don't blame me if we get-" Han doesn't get to finish as the falcon gets pulled towards the moon-like base along with Kenobi's starfighter. "Well, you were right about the tractor beam..."

"Not surprised." Obi-Wan says as we all play the waiting game and let ourselves get pulled into a hangar. As soon as we all land, Kenobi lands directly behind the falcon so he doesn't give himself away, and stormtroopers board the falcon.

"Let me see if I can do something." I say. I sneak around and when I find a good angle I bash the stormtroopers' heads together, multiple times, until I knew for sure they wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. Luke and Han quickly steal their armor and don it, heading out of the falcon. After giving an OK sign, the hangar quickly empties and everyone emerges from hiding.

"Now that we're inside, we need to find the princess, Leia." Matt says. "If anything they've got holding cells in here, and we have to do it fast before they find our we're here."

"What are we waiting for! Let's go!" Han shouts as he leads us all out.

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