Part 8: A Cold Bath

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It wasn't long before Han's cry of anger was quickly followed by me complaining about being hustled around by the stormtroopers that were currently making sure we were heading to a part of Cloud City usually closed off to the public.

"Hey! Stop jostling me around!" I complain as a stormtrooper whacks me in the head with the butt of his blaster rifle.

"Stop complaining and keep moving!" He replies. "Captain Bryan, what do we do with this runt? Do we freeze her as well?"

"No, keep her warm and cozy. We are only testing the capabilities of carbonite freezing." Bryan replies.

"Wait... Capabilities? Do you mean you're gonna kill Han?!" I ask, worried for his life.

"Shut up and keep moving girl. You've got ten blasters ready to turn you into bantha fodder, so I would watch my mouth if I were you." Bryan says, pointing his blaster at the back of my head. I quickly zip my lip and wordlessly keep moving as we head into a dark room with a large hole in the center and a large container off to the side.

"Time for the bounty to be collected." Boba Fett says as he throws Han into a container. The top is quickly shut and without his blaster he cannot get out!

"Now, to freeze him. A certain somebody will appreciate having one of the most well known smugglers and allies of the rebels as a living trophy on his wall." Lord Vader says as Darth Syrtar and Darth Xiath watch in awe as Han is lifted up by ropes and held over the gases that will freeze him solid. Leia and Chewbacca can only watch in horror as Han is slowly dropped in, and after only a few seconds, the container is lifted back up to reveal Han's petrified body encased in the container, with his look of absolute fear being forever shown to the public as the container is lowered onto a hover cart. Suddenly somebody storms in through another door, Artoo and Luke!

"Ah, so another jedi has come. I sense something strong in you. The force?" Vader asks.

"I was trained under master Yoda. You will not defeat me that easily!" Luke taunts.

"We shall see about that." Lord Vader taunts as Darth Xiath charges at me! She and I clash with our lightsabers as Luke and Vader angrily fight. Chewbacca, Leia and Artoo quickly rush after Fett to see if they can catch him before he makes off with Han and I realize I'm fighting a losing battle as Darth Syrtar quickly joins the fight!

"Time to end your reign of victory jedi scum!" Darth Syrtar shouts as he chops off my lightsaber hand!

"GAH!!!!" I scream as Darth Xiath chops off my other hand and puts her lightsaber to my neck. She hesitates for a few seconds before deactivating her lightsaber and force pushing me all the way back, causing me to land next to Leia's feet.

"We gotta get you to the falcon and fast! We have to do something about your hands- where's your lightsaber?!" Leia asks before it hits me in the face. One of the Darths must have recognized it and just force threw it back to me albeit in a rather rude way. Lando quickly meets up with us, having fended off stormtroopers and sees my situation.

"Who's blood is that all over your robes?" He asks.

"It might be my own. I don't know. I mean I'm not bleeding so could it be those two I just fought?" I ask right back.

"You mean those Darths? Let me see." Lando says as he pulls out a small device. "This will scan the blood and return some results." He says before doing his work. When he finishes we get into the falcon and he analyzes the results. His eyes suddenly go wide, and he slowly looks towards me.

"What is it?" I ask in trepidation.

"Darth Syrtar and Darth Xiath... Their real names are Jack and Christine and... They're your brother and sister..." Lando slowly says.

"No... It can't be..." I say in denial. "Those two that just did me in... My siblings? No... No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as I collapse into Leia's arms and pass out...

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