Prologue Part 2: Operation Jedi-Napping

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On the planet of Tatooine, the last jedi to live there had been slaughtered by clones under order 66, leaving the planet extremely vulnerable to attacks by outside forces, more namely the galactic empire. Whatever droids were left were weaponized and Jawas carefully roamed the sands so they wouldn't be spotted by the enemy. What was left of the betraying clone troopers had passed away, dissipating the threat for now, but the entire planet, humans and droids alike, were not prepared for a group of TIE landers to breach the atmosphere and land off in the distance of a village.

"Hurry up! We got some of those bucketheads here! They just landed off there!"

"We need to alert the other villages! The last thing we need is a repeat of last time!"

"Get whatever you have cause these guys are probably gonna kill us!" Outcry broke out, and it wasn't long before the stormtroopers exited the safety of their landers and approached the village Lord Vader had ordered them to search. Immediately they faced a heavy opposition in the form of droids and humans.

"Stand down and disarm, and you won't be harmed." A stormtrooper said, he and his cohorts ready to shoot.

"As if! We're not about to let terror strike again!" A man shouts.

"Wrong choice." A stormtrooper says before they all open fire. Everyone that resists is easily decimated by a storm of blaster bolts and in less than a minute the resistance is either dead or fleeing. Searching all the homes for the three children Vader was looking for they came across one hut, and inside were the three children.

"We've found them Lord Vader." A stormtrooper reports.

"Excellent work- I sense something wrong." Vader says before he quickly cuts out. The stormtroopers realize that their unit is getting smaller and smaller until they finally realize who is shrinking it down- a jedi that escaped order 66. The troopers quickly kidnapped two of the kids before the jedi took the last one back and they retreated.

"I understood your warning Lord Vader. Unfortunately we only have two of the three children you were asking for." A stormtrooper reports.

"Not to worry. We will recapture the other one, eventually. Return to the Death Star right away." Vader says before he cuts out.

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