Part 2: A Stinky Situation

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"Ugh, how do they even see in this thing?! I'm tempted to take it off but I don't want to blow my cover." Luke complains as he tries to move around in the stormtrooper armor he stole, his helmet apparently blocking his vision.

"Well you gotta wear it if you're gonna avoid getting blasted up." Han says, walking around in his armor like a natural.

"Alright, Matt, Gabriella, you're with them. I'll go see if I can do something in this place." Obi-Wan says as he dashes off, leaving me with Chewbacca and company. He lets out a growl in acknowledgement and Han gives a quick salute as Obi-Wan vanishes through a door.

"Alright, let's see if we can find the princess." Han says as he leads us through another door. Matt, Chewie and I all take cover behind the walls as Han and Luke enter the company of other stormtroopers.

"Hello there. Where have you been?" One trooper asks.

"Oh places. I just got back from a mission, and I'm about to see Darth Vader for another one." Han replies.

"He's no longer Darth Vader, he's Lord Vader now. Did you not get the memo?" The trooper replies.

"No, not really. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some prisoners to detain." Luke replies as he ushers for the three of us to emerge.

"We caught them wandering around Naboo and we now have them as prisoners." Han explains.

"Let us go!" I shout, playing along.

"Never." Han replies sternly, aiming the blaster he stole at my head before leading us about to the prison cells, albeit with a little aid from the other stormtroopers. After the others left, Han and Luke were left to "guard" our cell as I activated my lightsaber.

"Alright, stand back. Something is about to go flying." I say as I drive my lightsaber through the metal. It takes a little bit, but I carve a second door out and Chewie and Matt escape alongside me.

"If we're to find the princess, she's gotta be in one of those cells. Any idea what happened to Artoo and Threepio?" Han asks.

"They're with Obi-Wan. They're probably finding a way to disable the superlaser on this thing." Luke replies as they search the cells. Opening each cell individually they find nothing in the first few, but the fifth one they open reveals a remarkable sight. Laying on the hard couch was a lady garbed in an all white dress, her chocolate brown hair in twin buns and her brown eyes giving an almost piercing look to Luke.

"So this is Princess Leia?" I ask. "It's an honor to meet you." I add, going down on one knee.

"Please, dispose of the formalties." Leia replies, and I stand up. "What we need to do is find a way out, and I don't think that those bucketheads would appreciate me going out that door."

"How about down there?" Luke asks, pointing to a trash chute.

"Oh hell no. There's no way I'm going down there." Han complains and Chewbacca pinches his nose with a disgusted growl. Suddenly, stormtroopers flood the prison area, leaving us no choice.

"We gotta head down! Come on!" Matt shouts as he heads down. Luke quickly follows and Han pushes Chewbacca down the chute before going down himself. Finally I dive down as Leia follows suit and we're all sliding down, trying not to bang into each other, until we land in what is assumed to be a trash compactor. My face kisses the mucky water there and when I get up I realize that it's up to my knees. I catch Leia and save her from ruining her dress before Matt goes on to carry her around for me.

"Something tells me that we shouldn't have taken this way to begin with." Han complains, and suddenly I hear the loudest groaning and moaning noises I've ever heard- the compactor has been activated! Han quickly grabs a huge pole to try and stop the compactor from compressing any further and Chewie and I attempt to push back in a fruitless attempt to hold the compactor back. The pole eventually breaks, striking Matt in the eye and causing him to drop Leia. She lands face-first in the water and when she gets up she realizes that she's pressed up against me!

"Out of all the ways I could have died it had to be like this?!" Leia shouts.

"Let's hope Artoo's doing something about this, and fast!" I shout when suddenly the walls retract and we can all breathe a loud sigh. "Sounds like he did. Now let's get out of here, I see a door!"

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