Part 10: Palace Malice

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A few months have passed since my family's death. The only thing I could salvage from B1-002, who I affectionately called "Butler" was his droid personality template code, something I could put into another droid of his likes to bring him back. Fortunately we struck lucky when we did in fact find something of interest: somewhere in the Yavin IV base we just so happened to find an old commando droid and it just so happened to have a transponder so I could put Butler's programming into it. Upon activation I was overjoyed to hear these words.

"Hello there, master Olivia's daughter." It said.

"You're back!" I squeal.

"I am back yes, but I don't feel like myself. Where am I? I recall something falling on me." Butler replies.

"I kept your code so you could be revived. Right now you're in the body of a commando droid, a huge upgrade from your B1 chassis." I explain.

"It'll take some getting used to, but I will always be of service." Butler replies.

"You shall be known henceforth as BX-002, though we'll just call you Butler to make it easy." I say. In that timeframe I also became friends with a jedi that Luke and company picked up from Cloud City. She goes by Madison or Maddi and wields two shoto sabers. She can use the force, but she uses it to see upcoming attacks and guide her sabers if she throws them. She and I have become as close as Han and Chewie, and speaking of, we need to find him! Leia, Chewie, Artoo and Threepio were sent to Jabba the Hutt's palace as part of a plan to free Solo and Lando disguised himself as one of the guards. Luke and I would eventually come in to aid them when the time was right. It wasn't long before we received the signal from them, signifying their capture. Artoo kept our lightsabers so we wouldn't seem a threat until the right moment as well, and we set the falcon to head to Jabba's palace.

"Alright Gabby, just pretend we surrender and then we can get them." Luke explains to me. Unfortunately by the time we get there we see them already on a sail barge and Boba Fett just so happens to be on one of them! Putting the falcon into a sort of autopilot mode Luke and I jump off and land on an accompanying sail barge as Threepio and Artoo spot us. After giving some hand signals, our lightsabers are thrown to us and we jump onto the main barge that the two droids are on. Sure enough the whole gang is here including an unfrozen Han and Leia emerges.

"What did Jabba do to you?!" I ask, noticing her skimpy outfit.

"Turned me into a slave. I strangled that creature before I got up here with you guys- behind you!" Leia shouts. I quickly swing my hand back and metal meets metal as I whack Boba Fett in the face.

"Oh boy." I mumble as I decide to force push Fett, albeit with a little bit of trouble thanks to these cybernetics, straight into Han who accidentally sets off his jetpack!

"GAAAAHHHHHH!!!! DAMN YOU REBEL SCUM!" Fett screams as he goes flying and hits the side of a sail barge with a resounding crash! Everyone cringes at the impact as Fett then slowly slides off, tumbles down a pit and into the waiting jaws of a Sarlacc where he is quickly gobbled up. Very quickly the enemy stops fighting and we deal with the last of them as we all take a barge and destroy the other ones.

"I tell you, that was the most painful thing I've ever witnessed." I chuckle, remembering how hard Fett smacked against the barge. I do recall seeing a dent in the shape of his armor before we destroyed it.

"Even the enemy stopped for a bit to watch what was going on." Leia laughs. "I don't think there's been another moment where the enemy agreed with us on something, that we kinda felt bad for that bounty hunter's situation."

"You ever gonna get out of that thing sis?" Luke asks.

"I think she should keep it on." Han replies, prompting Leia to smack him across the face.

"Come on, I put the falcon into auotpilot and it should be arriving any time" I say as we sail off.

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