Part 12: Destiny Awaits

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As Luke and I stay at the ruins of the destroyed shield generator a TIE lander lands next to us, carrying four stormtroopers and the two Darths we've been waiting for. Darth Syrtar approaches Luke and Darth Xiath approaches me.

"I assume you're aware of both of us." Darth Xiath says to me.

"That you were my siblings yes." I reply. "You two are so far corrupted that I can't even call you my siblings anymore. You're only husks of what you truly were."

"Just like I don't recognize the lord as my father anymore." Luke tells Darth Syrtar.

"Hmph. I see." Darth Xiath says as she uses the force to take Luke's lightsaber and ignites it. The green blade strikes as new.

"I see you've completed your training." Darth Syrtar says to Luke. "And so has she. If we can bring them to the dark side the galactic empire will be unstoppable."

"Blah blah blah like we're going to do that." I mumble as Darth Xiath hands Luke's lightsaber back.

"Well, our lord awaits you." Darth Syrtar says. "Come on in." He says, guiding us into the lander. Taking off, Luke and I decide to doze off until we reach the Death Star, and a few minutes later the stormtroopers lightly nudge us awake. We make our way out of the lander and the two Darths guide us to Lord Vader's throne. Sure enough, we reach the room and the throne swivels around to reveal none other than Vader himself, still clad in his armor with a couple new additions: he now has two large pauldrons on his shoulders and his cape is now a dark gray as opposed to it's original color, a matte black.

"I see that you have given yourselves up to me?" Vader asks. His voice is somewhat deeper than normal, and it almost intimidates me, but I stand tall and defiant to make my point.

"We will never turn to the dark side, no matter how hard you try." I growl.

"Very well, I see you two have cemented your destinies. My apprentices, do away with them. I do not want them out of here alive." Lord Vader snarls.

"Yes sir. With pleasure." Darth Xiath and Darth Syrtar reply simultaneously before igniting their lightsabers and charging!

"Time to dispose of you rebel scum!" Darth Xiath shouts as she angrily clashes with me. Out of the corner of my eye, stormtroopers prepare their weapons but suddenly I hear Vader's booming voice.

"Let them be. I want my apprentices to personally do away with these idiots." Vader calls out as we continue fighting. Out of the corner of my other eye I see Luke and Darth Syrtar clashing before focusing attention on my sister who has her lightsaber over her head and ready to decapitate me!

"TAKE THIS!" She screams, and I bring up my lightsaber just in time to save my neck and an aggressive bladelock ensues with neither of us letting up! After a few seconds I nail my sister in the gut with a good kick, sending her back before I charge at Darth Syrtar! Too busy fighting Luke to even react I throw my lightsaber and it goes straight through his head before it boomerangs back to me. Luke stands back as Darth Syrtar falls- I just killed my brother!

"Behind you!" Luke shouts, but I turn too late and Darth Xiath goes for a swing! I leap back and her lightsaber catches my chest, leaving a sword-like mark on my clothes and a huge scar on my chest where she slashed me.

"Alright, you wanna play rough? I'll play rough!" I shout as I charge at my sister. What composure I had as a jedi was gone for now and I began wildly swinging at Darth Xiath, not giving her one chance to even retaliate! Eventually I stun my sister by kicking her in the head and Luke stands behind her, ready to finish her off.

"Take THIS!" Darth Xiath screams as she sweeps her arms back and sends us flying! I go off in one direction while Luke goes straight into Vader! With his lightsaber still ignited Luke uses this chance and impales Vader!

"REMEMBER WHO YOU WERE!" Luke screams as Vader ignites his own lightsaber and duels with his son! "YOU WERE NEVER LIKE THIS! WHAT WOULD YOUR FRIENDS SAY ABOUT YOU RIGHT NOW?!"

"I have no friends!" Vader shouts right back. Suddenly the Death Star begins shaking ominously and all four of us stop fighting for now to see what the hell is going on. Outside we see countless rebel ships engaging imperial fighters, a war has started! My comlink goes off and it's Madison!

"Lando, Chewie and I are gonna go in and destroy this thing! Where the hell are you anyway?!" Madison shouts.

"Inside this thing! Don't destroy it just yet!" I shout right back.

"WHAT?!" Madison and Lando shout and Chewbacca lets out a startled growl. "Alright, we'll hold off the assault for now."

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