Part 3: The Great Escape

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With a few slashes from me and Matt, the door holding us in this awful place was cut down and we all entered the long hallway that followed where not surprisingly, stormtroopers conregated here.

"Hey! It's those prisoners and... Our allies?!" A stormtrooper shouts. Luke and Han throw off their helmets and blast away, taking out most, if not all the stormtroopers who were unlucky enough to be in the hallway.

"Alright, now where do we go?" I ask Matt.

"...That way?" Matt says questioningly.

"Hmm..." Luke muses. "That way!" He says, pointing in the same exact direction Matt was pointing, causing me and Leia to facepalm.

"Alright, let's go." Han says as we all enter a door and stop. Down below us is a huge group of stormtroopers.

"If we head down, we're toast. Now what? I don't think two jedi are gonna take out this entire room." Matt and I say.

"I have an idea." Han says.

"Let's just hope it doesn't culminate in our demise." Leia says. Han suddenly leaps down wildly firing and Luke quickly joins. "What in the name of Alderaan are you doing?!"

"Creating a show!" Han shouts as he effortlessly puts holes through the heads of troopers while evading shots going for his own.

"Well, I guess he's making his point." I say to the princess as the last stormtrooper falls. I make a graceful leap, flip and land as Leia makes her jump. Quickly using the force I break her fall and she lands on her dainty feet without a problem. Matt leaps off and we make our way about the death star until we find ourselves in the same hangar we were all pulled in. The falcon sits there like a trophy just waiting to be claimed, but Obi-Wan's starfighter is nowhere to be found, presumably wrecked by a stormtrooper.

"Oh your master isn't gonna be happy about that." Matt says to Luke.

"Speaking of, where is he? Artoo and Threepio are right there." I ask, pointing to the two droids in question.

"Oh I'm so glad you're here! Obi-Wan just left us here and didn't come back! I just hope he's okay!" Threepio says.

"Hey don't worry, he'll be around anytime soon..." Luke replies when suddenly we all hear a familiar breathing noise belonging to a certain lord. Emerging from one of the doors was a tall, intimidating man who donned armor that was black head-to-toe, a long cape of the same color, and in his hand, a lightsaber that emitted a red blade- this was Lord Vader and two of his cohorts. One of them sported short, dark brown hair and only came up to Vader's shoulders. He was garbed in black robes complete with a hood. The other one sported long hair of similar color, came up to Vader's neck and was garbed in black and gray robes, also complete with a hood.

"I see you've gotten the princess out. I'm afraid you won't be leaving here alive." Vader taunts. "Let me introduce to you my new apprentices. To my right, is Darth Syrtar." He explains, pointing to the black robed one. "And to my left, is Darth Xiath." He adds, pointing to the black and gray robed one and I connect name with face. Darth Syrtar whipped out a lightsaber that projected a crimson red blade and Darth Xiath's lightsaber ignited with a red-violet blade. "Now I will be finding my former master. You two, dispose of these rebel scum."

"Yes master." The two reply before they charge! Darth Xiath charges my way as Darth Syrtar charges at Matt. It's not long before Obi-Wan makes his reappearance and ambushes Vader as he is about to exit! I clash with Darth Xiath, but every opportunity I get is taken by her angrily striking at me, trying to decapitate me when I kick her back! Luke and Han get on either side of her, prepared to shoot, but it's far too late for them to react.

"Taste the power of the dark side fools!" Darth Xiath shouts as she sweeps her arms back! A huge force wave takes the two by surprise and sends them flying as she then forces her hand out, pushing me back with a mighty force shove! I fly back before landing on my feet, and Darth Syrtar manages to disarm Matt, and quite literally as well! Suddenly we hear more angry clashing, and Darth Xiath and I are a good forty feet away from each other. Everyone stops fighting to see Lord Vader clashing with his former master, and after a blade-lock or two they step back to take a little break.

"I remember being nothing more than the learner. Now time has passed and I am the master." Vader snarls.

"You are only a master of the dark side, and we don't have use for those kinds of people." Obi-Wan taunts, a bad move on him as Vader takes the jedi by surprise and slashes him in half!

"NO!!!" Luke, Matt and I scream as Obi-Wan falls, never to rise from the ashes. The two sith knights rejoin one another and fist bump on a victory well earned before returning to Lord Vader.

"Alright, no time for tears, time to get out!" Han shouts as he, Chewbacca, Luke, Han, Leia, Matt and I all pile into the falcon and we take off before the three sith can even react.

"I have the plans to the death star. Now we can do some real damage." Leia says, holding a disc with the structure of the death star.

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