Part 5: Fried Chickens

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With the Death Star destroyed for now, we rebels could relax for now, that was until a distress signal was received.

"Vader and his apprentices just got control of their fighters again after Han shot them up and they're destroying everything! Our freighter is taking heavy damage! We're not gonna- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" A rebel screams before the screen goes static- in one fell swoop the entire rebel force that remained at the ruins of the Death Star was decimated by Lord Vader and company.

"That's not good..." Matt says. "We've lost Obi-Wan and now a bunch of rebels. I think they're targeting Echo base next. If anything we have to head there and hope that it's not too late."

"Han's down there right now with Leia. If anything, you guys have to help out the rebels. Take the snowspeeders there, take down some AT's and make sure those two get out alive. I heard that the falcon has been having problems and is kinda stuck there for a while." Wedge Antilles says.

"Will do. Take us in an inconspicuous lander so we aren't noticed." Luke says. With that we are provided a TIE lander that the rebels managed to make away with when they destroyed the Death Star and we're sent down to Hoth with Matt at the controls. Landing next to Echo base the rebels there are shocked to see a TIE lander and prepare to shoot when they hear the telltale hum of lightsabers, jedis must have taken control! It's not long before Matt and I walk out and deactivate our lightsabers.

"It's such a relief that some of the jedi are alive! I thought order 66 wiped them all out!" A rebel says, wiping sweat off his forehead. "I don't know when these guys are gonna arrive but our snowspeeders are ready for action."

"I could use a little flight practice." I say as we are led to where they're being maintained.

"Just make sure they'll start up right." The rebel replies as another one runs up to us with an exasperated look.

"They're... Here... Imperial... Walkers..." He pants before passing out from exhaustion.

"Let's go!" Matt shouts as we all enter a speeder. They start right up and we head out amongst the many soldiers and other speeders that are taking off as we spot an armada of AT-ST's!

"Blast their heads or trip them with your harpoon!" I hear over the comlink, and I rush in to do so. "Gabby! What the hell are you doing?!" And it's not long before I fire my harpoon and it latches onto an AT-ST's leg. Giving more power I manage to trip the huge walker, causing it to hop about trying to regain it's balance before accidentally shooting another one and falling on it's face. Then I let go of the harpoon for foot soldiers to deal with it before focusing lasers onto another AT-ST. Many shots later the head explodes and it harmlessly falls to the ground. Suddenly laser fire comes from my left side and I barely avoid getting shot down! Looking to my right I spot something that horrifies me and I start shouting through the comlink.

"AT-AT's in range! And they don't look too happy about what we're doing!" I shout. "Somebody trip these guys before they wreak havoc on Echo base!"

"Roger that!" Is one of many responses. Quickly taking action I take out one last AT-ST before focusing fire on the heavily armored, four-legged walkers.

"Laser fire won't work on these guys unless it's directed towards the neck. Initiate attack pattern delta!" I hear over the comlink and instantly I act. Teaming up with another rebel we both focus fire on the neck of an AT-AT until it quite literally explodes, dropping the head and taking down the rest of the walker with ease. Suddenly I notice something that shouldn't be there, and it turns out to be a probe droid! Taking pursuit I focus fire and take it out before seeing a rebel trying to trip an AT-AT. AT-ST's quickly surround the distressed walker intending on blowing the snowspeeder into hell and beyond until I came roaring in. giving it all I got I blasted three heads, tripped two and blasted out one's knee. The rebel was able to make his passes and the AT-AT found itself unable to move. It quickly fell on it's face where I focused fire on it until it blew up. Ending the AT-AT threat for now we destroyed the rest of the AT-ST's before returning to Echo base where trouble awaited...

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