Part 14: Payback Time

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True to Luke's word he stole a TIE bomber to transport his father's body and out of the many that were in the hanger I stole an interceptor and we took off!

"This is Gabriella!" I say into my comlink. "You have the all clear to destroy this giant egg, just keep an eye out for a TIE bomber and interceptor. Luke and I are piloting them!"

"Alright!" Lando shouts. "We'll blast that thing to hell for ya!" Lando shouts as we enter the battleground. My skills have improved greatly over the years and unlike back then I'm the one forcing these TIE units to flee! Luke flies alongside me and he splits off to help out some fellow rebels.

"Wait a second... What's a TIE doing out here helping us?!" I imagine the rebels asking as I take down other TIE fighters with ease.

"Alright, this thing's about to blow up! Make sure you're out of range so you don't get fried!" Lando and Madison shout over the comlink, and we all book it, imperials, rebels and all. Everyone makes it out in time as the Death Star explodes with a fiery ring and the battle resumes! With only so many star destroyers left, the galactic empire is close to total extinction as the remaining rebels take out countless TIE fighters and interceptors and it's not long before only two are left, the ones Luke and I are piloting. The star destroyers are quickly fired upon with everything we've got, and despite their heavy weaponry, they didn't last along against an onslaught of laser fire and torrents of them took out countless star destroyers! It wasn't long before the last one was taken down by a storm of lasers and the battle was a huge victory for the rebels!

"We've done it!" I cheer as we head back to our various bases, and my group heads back to Endor for a well deserved victory party. Thanks to Threepio's translation work, the Ewoks helped host the whole thing but not before giving Anakin a proper funeral. All of Anakin, including his armor and lightsaber was burned and cremated in a viking style funeral sans the boat. Once we all paid our respects the party could truly commence! Han and Leia shared many, many kisses, Madison and Chewbacca just hung around playing drinking games til they passed out, and Luke and I stood around, looking off into the distance. That's when we see three force ghosts materialize. I quickly recognize them as Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin, having just become one with the force.

"It's good to see that you managed to help my apprentice redeem himself." Obi-Wan says.

"Yes, I thank you very much, though you could have reacted a little quicker?" Anakin chuckles and we all burst into hysterics before recollecting ourselves. "Yoda, will I still be able to give guidance?"

"Hmm..." Yoda muses. "I have tried. Hard to learn, it is." Yoda replies. "But with the effort and work, succeed you will."

"Thanks." Anakin replies.

"Say, whatever happened to my siblings?" I ask Anakin.

"Oh them? They could try all they want but they're not coming back like I am. They were too corrupted by the dark side to become one." Anakin replies. "It's sad that you had to kill them though."

"I had no other choice. It was either they die or I did." I say. "They were too far gone to be brought back. How did you do it Luke?"

"I think chopping off his hands did the trick." Luke chuckles and another laugh fest ensues. It takes a little longer for us to recompose ourselves but we do.

"Well we were only dropping by to see how well things were going." Obi-Wan says. "It's best that we go."

"Don't worry young ones, be back we will." Yoda says as the three vanish.

"Well, it's been a long journey hasn't it?" Luke says, turning to face me.

"Sure has." I reply. "Now what are we standing around here for? We're missing out on a victory party!"

"Oh you are so right!" Luke chuckles. "Shall we dance?"

"If the floor can hold enough people, then sure, why the heck not?" I reply as we join the party.

The End

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