Part 13: Collapse

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As quickly as the battle was interrupted, it was resumed as Darth Xiath and I start clashing again and Luke and Vader enter another one of many bladelocks.

"It's over! You might as well surrender!" Darth Xiath shouts.

"Never!" I shout right back.

"It's no use! The dark side will always win in the end!" Vader shouts.

"Like it would ever! Would you ever try to kill your own son like this?!" Luke shouts and throughout our entire battle we can all hear the sounds of dogfighting outside our war grounds. Darth Xiath hits me with a force push and I tumble onto Luke! Suddenly roles are switched, and now it's me fighting Vader and likewise!

"Resistance is futile!" Vader shouts as he clashes with me.

"Try to remember yourself!" I shout and I suddenly feel a bad sensation on my neck as Vader forces his hand out. The lord slowly begins to tighten his grip on my neck until Luke comes out of nowhere and slashes his hand off!

"GAH!!!" Vader screams as I focus attention on Darth Xiath, my sister far too gone to be in her.

"You will join your brother soon!" Darth Xiath shouts.

"I don't think so!" I shout right back as I leap and clash with my sister once again. I hear another scream from Lord Vader and the sound of a heavy, metallic fall. Darth Xiath and I stop fighting again as we see that Luke has disarmed Vader and he's holding his head with whatever is left of his wrists.

"Remember yourself, remember Anakin Skywalker! Remember! You're my father!" Luke says and Vader finally reels back and lets out a painful yell before falling on his face. When Vader gets back up he looks at Luke and despite his helmet covering his face, I can tell that Luke somehow turned him back to the light side again! Luke slowly takes off his helmet to reveal his damaged, burned, pale face and his eyes have a look of calmness and serenity, Lord Vader is Anakin Skywalker once more!

"I don't know how you've done it, but your sister was right... There is still some good left in me." Vader says.

"Then call off this whole defense your army is doing." Luke says.

"...I will..." Anakin slowly says, but cuts himself off to see an angry apprentice.

"You... You have BETRAYED the empire!" Darth Xiath snarls. "And you know I don't like traitors. Time to end this!" She screams before charging! Unable to defend himself, Anakin takes a lightsaber to the chest before Luke force pushes her back, landing in front of me. She quickly gets up and clashes with me once more!

"How's it like finding your master has betrayed you huh? At least mine served his duty before your minions killed him!" I taunt.

"YOU ALL WILL PERISH! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT TRAITORS!" Darth Xiath screams and forces me back once more. Clearly pissed, I decide to use an old trick my master once taught me: I punched the ground and force ripples rocked Darth Xiath, knocking her to the ground! I perform another marvelous leap before entering another bladelock.

"This ends now!" I shout as I suddenly get pushed back and my sister leaps back on to her feet.

"DIE!" Darth Xiath screams, and catches my leg with her lightsaber! Limping, but still able to move, I decide to do the unthinkable and use the dark side of the force hidden away within me and I beast out!

"TIME FOR YOU TO DIE!" I scream as I angrily slash at Darth Xiath, once again giving her no time to retaliate. It's not long before I deliver such a hard slash that I manage to break Darth Xiath's lightsaber! Now defenseless I pick up my sister's broken lighsaber and throw that off to the side before grabbing her by the neck and putting my lightsaber to her neck. "You can either come with us in peace, or off goes your head right here, right now."

"I will never succumb to the light..." Darth Xiath manages to say, and I tighten my grip around her neck. "The dark side will... Always rise..." Are her final words before I let go and ruthlessly decapitate my sister, Darth Xiath was no more. When I look to Luke and Anakin I realize what has happened- Anakin's life support was taken out by Darth Xiath, and he died in his son's arms.

"We don't have time for tears just yet." Luke says, holding back from weeping. "The war is still going on. I'll steal a TIE bomber and you, well, just hijack whatever TIE fancies you." He says as we make our way to the hangars.

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