Part 11: Endor Bike Gangs

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Another few months have passed since the death of Boba Fett and Jabba the hutt by our hands. Now our main focus is on the Death Star, and it's reconstruction.

"If anything they probably have a shield generator somewhere off to the side. What we need to do is locate where the generator is and take it out." Luke and Han say. "There's a huge satellite dish on Endor that seems to be the source."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go! Take Threepio in case we need to talk with natives." I say as Butler decides to tag along.

"I may be a butler but that doesn't mean I won't pull punches." The commando droid says as we take the falcon and fly to Endor. Landing in a safe spot, we navigate through the deep forests and come across a village. The residents don't seem too happy about our presence though...

"Look out!" I shout as we all dodge out of the way of two logs. They collide, and had that been our heads, we would have been done for. The locals then brandish spears and slingshots against us until Threepio interjects.

"Enough! Enough!" He shouts, bringing attention to him. "These guys are Ewoks. They don't know any better."

"Alright, how about you tell them why we're here? Maybe we can get a spot to rest." Madison says.

"Very well then, I shall do so." Threepio replies and gathers the Ewoks around him. He then bursts into full blown Ewokese, explaining the story of how Lord Vader came to be, and how Han and company are actually the good guys, not the bad guys as the Ewoks thought. After a few more minutes of storytelling the Ewoks then come to us, and drop their weapons- we've made some good allies of the rebels.

"Well that was simple." I say to Threepio.

"If you're programmed to speak tons of languages, it comes off as natural." Threepio replies.

"You wouldn't happen to have any targets for us to practice on?" Madison asks and Threepio goes to work.

"They do have some targets. Their diminutive size will prove wonders in improving accuracy." Threepio explains as the Ewoks lead us to the range. Madison throws both of her shoto sabers and nails two targets with deadeye accuracy while I throw mine and hack through three. Han and Leia are flawless with their blasters and Chewbacca nails ten in a row with one shot!

"Well, looks like that did wonders!" Madison says.

"Wait... I'm hearing something." Leia says as she and Madison enter a standing meditation. Their eyes quickly shoot open and they look outside the village.

"Stormtroopers and speeder bikes in range!" Madison shouts as the gunners take their positions. Said stormtroopers zoom by, only for their helmets to be plugged with holes by Han and company and the speeder bikes are left intact for us to use. Threepio, Butler and Lando stay behind to guard the village.

"This will be fun." I say as we get down to see what we have stolen. Suddenly we hear stomping noises and we turn around to see an AT-ST charging right at us! Unfortunately, it's foot snags on a rope and two logs come barreling in, caving the walker's head in and taking it down.

"That will be interesting." Madison chuckles as she gets on a speeder bike. "Now to get rid of that generator."

"Yep." I reply as we all take off and see other speeder bikes mounted by stormtroopers, who quickly begin firing upon us!

"Quick! Gunners, take them down!" Luke shouts as the gunners of the group nail trooper after trooper before picking up full speed. That's when one stormtrooper lands on the front of my speeder bike and starts punching my face!

"I don't think so buster!" I shout as I hit the brakes, sending him flying into a mucky lake. Next thing you know we're at the generator and it looks like only AT-ST blasts can even penetrate that thing. That's when one of the aforementioned walkers stomps in and I make a marvelous leap! Landing on top of the walker I force the hatch open before taking out the pilots and taking control!

"Alright, do your work!" Madison shouts as I begin firing away. It's not long before I destroy the whole thing, but when the others are retreating, Luke and I stay behind.

"How come you two are staying back?" Madison asks.

"We have some personal issues we wish to deal with." I reply as the others head back to the Ewok village.

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