Part 4: Behind The Battlefield

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Now that almost all of us are back at Yavin IV, Leia can discuss the plans of the Death Star, and the changes that happened to be made. Many rebels weren't surprised by the fact that Vader became leader, but were surprised at the new Darths. Antonino, Antilles' right hand man, was intrigued by this, but pushed it off to the side for now.

"What we need to do is launch an all out assault on the Death Star, and we'll have a small squadron find the exhaust port." Antonino says to Antilles after Leia discusses the plans.

"That does sound like a good idea. Men, get ready." Antilles says. "Gabriella, I think your mother is waiting for you." He says to me as someone scoops me up from behind!

"Gabby! I'm so glad you're safe!" She says, spinning me around.

"Mom, I'm a teenager already! I think I can handle myself." I giggle as mom sets me down.

"Olivia, make sure that nothing happens to you and your daughter. I'm afraid that something is gonna crash into your home in Naboo." Antilles says.

"Alright, will do." Mom replies. Taking a shuttle back to Naboo, mom and I land next to a palace she and dad bought with their savings, most of it coming from dad's service with the rebels. "Never did I think that my own daughter would become a mighty jedi!"

"Mom really? You know I have a connection to the force." I chuckle as I run into a battle droid. "What's this?"

"A battle droid that we found. It lost a battle and was pretty battered. We reprogrammed it and repurposed it as a droid butler. We figured that it's hands were much more useful than just holding a blaster." Mom replies.

"Hello there master Olivia." The droid says. "And hello master Olivia's daughter."

"Hi!" I awkwardly say.

"I am B1-002." The droid says. "How may I serve you?"

"I am not in need at the time." Olivia replies.

"Very well." B1-002 says. "I will return to my charging station. If you need me, just shout "Butler!" and I will come to your service."

"Okay!" I cheerfully say, and B1-002 leaves for his charging station.

"Alright, now that you've been introduced to him, lets get around the house, show you what you missed while you were on Yavin IV and the Death Star." My mom says.

"Alright. Let's see what we have." I say. Walking around the palace I notice many new editions to the palace including a training area, a guest room if anybody happened to drop by and a VR room for if I ever needed to hone my piloting skills, which I dearly need to improve.

"Gabby dear! Lunch is ready! And I know you're starving!" Mom shouts from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I chortle as I head into the kitchen. I smell something very earth-like, and it's confirmed that mom is cooking up some rice with meat caught from local gungans.

"I know you're gonna love this." Mom simply says as she scoops it into a bowl and I grab a spoon to chow down. Suddenly a starfighter lands outside the palace, probably Matt's. It's confirmed when B1-002 activates and opens the door for him.

"Come in. Master Olivia awaits you." The droid says as Matt meets up with me.

"What brings you here master?" I ask Matt.

"I almost got shot down. A group of X-wings were trying to take out a group of TIEs and accidentally shot me. It's pure luck I managed to not crash." Matt replies. "We should see the Death Star blow up at any moment now." He adds, looking out the window. Mom and I join as we look outside. The Death Star appears as a small gray ball that stands out in the sky, and upon seeing it, it quickly explodes, a victory for the rebels as we watch from afar.

"Looks like we won!" I say as I hug my mom.

"That's just a huge dent to the empire, and they're probably gonna rebuild that at some given point." Matt replies. "What we need to do is target those that would cripple the empire if killed, and I'[m talking about Vader and his darth cronies." He adds. "Come on. I called for rebels to pick us up." And with that I gave my mom another goodbye hug before leaving with my master for yet another mission.

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