Chapter 31

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A/N- In this story, Ted Tonk isn't alive, having died in an accident.
"Alright, show it then!"

It was three days later and Angel was checking the letter I had collected from Madam Pomfrey.


It stopped abruptly there, and the parchment was ink smeared and blood stained. It made a chill run down my spine at the sight.

"Well, your dad made it into the house-"

"I've gathered that, yes."

She glared at me and continued. "-and there's definitely sign of struggle. I'll have to inspect closer to find out exactly. But I'd recommend not sending any more owls to your Aunts house. We can't risk another owl casualty."

I sighed. "But how am I going to find out what happened?"

Angel shrugged. "I don't know Mills. I really don't know."

To Millie,

This is Tonks. Mum's in hospital on life support because your dad stabbed her near her heart. I tied the letter quick to the owl and got the hell out of there, before your dad caught me.

He shoved me against a wall, but I apparated to the kitchen, grabbed Mum and rushed to St Mungo's.

As I said, she's on life support and things aren't looking good.

As I'm 18, I can live on my own so I'll find a flat somewhere till I finish my auror training. I think they'll let you live with me. If not, I'm sorry, you'll have to go to a care home.

Tonks x

The letter was tear stained and the parchment was ripped. The handwriting was also messy so I imagine it was written in a rush.

I showed it to Angel and she bit her lip.

"Shall we go find 'Licia and Katie? Maybe they'll know what to do."

We went to the common room and found them snogging their boyfriends. Lovely.

Angel and I killed the moment by dragging them out.

"What was that for?" They grumbled. "Can't you see we were living it up?!"

"Shut it! This is more important than your snogging sessions!" Angel glared. They fell silent.

"Anyway," I spoke,"I've had another letter. From my cousin this time, explaining what's happened."

I showed them the letter. They read quickly and gasped, synchronised.

"What should I do?" I asked.

Alicia was first to speak. "I dunno." she shrugged. "Show Dumbledore."

"Ok, I guess I could do that..."

"And also, don't write back. Your dad could get your cousin too." said Katie.

I nodded. "Angel's already said that, but ok."


So, the next day, I went to Dumbledore's office.

"Password?" said one of the gargoyles.


"Why are you here, Miss Malfoy." I turned around and saw Professor McGonagall standing there.

"I need to see Professor Dumbledore." I said.

She nodded. "Fizzing Whizzbees." she said to the gargoyle. The door sprang open.

"Hello, Miss Malfoy. Hello, Minnie." Dumbledore greeted.

"Albus, I've told you before, stop calling me Minnie." McGonagall sighed.

Dumbledore shrugged. "James Potter called you that."

"And I told him not to call me that either!"

They carried on this petty little fight for a few more minutes until I interrupted.

"Um, Professors?"

They both looked sheepish for a moment.

"Well, I'll come back later, Albus." She turned around and left.

"Bye Minnie!"


"So, Miss Malfoy, what did you come to me about?" Dumbledore said cheerily.

"Well, as you may have heard, my owl-" My voice choked up slightly, "My owl was killed whilst sending a letter for me. And now a school owl is injured too. The letter which came back recently...well, I'll show you." I got the letter out of my pocket and handed it to him. His expression was now very grave.

His eyes skimmed the parchment. "Well, that definitely is worrying."

"And this too, from my cousin." I continued.

"Poor Andromeda. And poor Nymphadora too, of course." Dumbledore said after reading it. "What to do about this..."

I waited for a moment. After looking thoughtful for a few minutes, Dumbledore spoke again. "Well, don't reply, obviously. We can't risk anymore owl casualties. If you get anymore letters, show me.. and about the orphanage thing-"

"I understand, Professor." I sighed. "can you arrange that please?"

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded.


AnotherHater101 Requested longer chapters, so there you go.

691 words. Hope that's long enough!

Kim xxx

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