Chapter two

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'"If they will not believe you," God said, "or listen to the first sign, they may believe the latter sign" Exodus‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭

I hear him coming up the stairs, they creak with every step he takes. I stay still, knowing i have to talk with him about it. 'Su' His voice sounds small. He walks towards the bed and sits down next to me. He looks at the letter in my hand. 'So what do you think?'
'What i think about it? Come on Peter, you know Narnia wasn't real!' His face becomes pale when i say to word 'real'. 'Su, don't' He signs, like he is trying to hold his tears back. 'Just go and' He stops mid-sentence. I stand up, suddenly angry at him. 'Grow up Peter! Fairytales are for little children' and i storm off. Shutting the door of mine and Lucy's room with a bang. I sit down on Lucy's bed and look around in our room. Now that all of Lucy's stuff is gone, the room is more empty and hollow. I lay down and burry my head in Lucy's cushion. Her smell; vanilla en some childish sent is still hanging around the it.
I miss her.

I miss them both.

Mother and father did what they thought was good. Edmund en Lucy are save on the country side with our uncle and aunt. And Peter and I are alone with mother, if father ever comes back then we shall take a ship to America.
But i lost hope if dad ever comes home. The war is still going strong and it seems like it's never ending.
But now, with Lucy's letter, Peter seems to have hope again.
And mother maybe to, she looked so fascinated with the Bible.

Susan was fighting inside. Did she believe her heart or her brain? Deep inside she knew that all what she had been through in Narnia with her brothers and sister was true.
But why was hestitating to believe in the great Lion?
Where was she afraid of?
She lifted her head of the pillow, listening to the wind around the house. It was raining,  like always in London. But she heard something else. A muffled roar.
The sound seemed like it was getting closer.
The house shook through the vibrations of the fallen bomb. Susan heard the people screaming.

"Susan!" Peter tears my door open. "Come with me!" Peter stands by Lucy's bed with two steps and grabs my wrist. He drags me down the stairs while more bombs fall. Mother is standing in the doorway of the shelter and shouts our names. But then everything goes in slow motion. I see the oval bomb coming straight to our shelter. Peter pushes me to the ground and makes a move towards mom. 'No Peter' she says and smiles. And the bomb explodes. Pieces wood and iron fly in every direction. Peter holds me close, protecting me from the flying debris. When we look up, the shelter is completely gone and so is mom.

Pete is sitting on his knees, moving back and forth, trying to calm himself. I kiss his temple softly and walk towards the ruin. But i see no proof that mom was just standing here, calling our names. She has literally gone up in smoke. But in the moonlight and the air raid lamps of London i see something reflecting. It is the book with the golden letters; The bible. I pick it up and open it. A tekst is marked
'And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.''
‭‭Luke‬ ‭15:6‬ ‭
I read out loud. Pete looks up, his eyes puffy and red. 'Su?' He stands up, taking the bible from me and looks at the text. 'She marked it?' He says with a small voice. Peter sniffs and rubs his eyes. He looks at me quizzically. I feel my cheeks turn red. Mom is dead and I feel nothing.
'I think she started believing again?' Peter nods, looks at our ruined shelters and puts his hand around my shoulders. He guides me inside the house and pushes me gently down on the sofa. 'Su?' He looks at me, his eyes big and scared. He sits down next to me and lays the bible on his lap. 'Pete, she smiled' i say after a long silence. The sirene signaling us about a bombing is stopped and i hear the firetruck coming our way. Not that something is burning.
'Yes, i saw it'
'You to? It was like time was slowing down. And she is gone, i mean, not even her shoes are going to be found. She is literally gone in smoke!'

Susan and Peter were sitting like this for hours, until the sun was rising. Both of them were is shock. Their mother was gone, they didn't even had a body to burry. Not a memorial to say their final goodbyes.
And they didn't know that the countryside was bombed. And that the house of their uncle and aunt was hit.
Lucy, Edmund and Eustace where not in England anymore. But the three of them opened their eyes on a golden beach. And standing before them was a young king, waiting on his love, now seeing that her family had returned to the land they loved. He had hope.
Because if they were brought here by the great Lion.
Peter and Susan shall follow quickly.
And for the young king was that a great promise.

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