Chapter five

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Psalms 126:5; Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!

When Caspian saw the Great Lion walking away over the beach, he knew something had happened.

'Caspian!' Lucy is making her way to him, he stands before the great window, behind the five thrones. Lucy leans against him, staring outside. 'Do you think Susan is coming back?'

She hasn't seen Aslan!

'Lucy' He turns to the girl he sees as his younger sister. 'I saw Aslan walking on the beach a while ago.. I think we..' Lucy turns around with hope in her eyes and runs outside the throne room. 'Peter, Edmund, Eustace!' She screams with joy in her voice. Caspian blinks a couple of times and runs than after her. Lucy runs up the great stairs, still shouting the names of her brothers and nephew. She makes her way to the end of the hall; Susan's room. Peter, Edmund and Eustace are also running up the stairs, looking bewildered at Caspian. 'I saw Aslan walking on the beach and I think Su-' Peter runs after Lucy with Ed and Eustace on his tail. Do they think really that Susan is back? The four of them stop before the room of Susan. Caspian walks towards the door, his family behind him, whisper to each other. Caspian inhales deeply and forces the door open. With two steps he stands inside her room and there she is; sitting on the hard wooden floor, crying her heart out. She wears her light pink nightgown and her golden crown on her head. Her dark brown hair is flowing behind her, reaching the floor. She looks up and her blue eyes meet mine.

I cannot believe it; he is here! Caspian falls on his knees beside me and within seconds I am in his arms. His head buries in the crook of my neck and he starts to cry. I hear muffled sounds and then crying and then three pair arms around me. I look up and turn my head to the right and I see Pete, his eyes red from crying. I smile at him and take his hand in mine, squeezing it. I let Caspian go with my other hand and get up. Lucy also stands up and flies towards me, her hands around my waist, crying loud.

'Hush Lucy. I am here' I try to calm my younger sister. But she holds me only tighter. 'I thought I was never going to see you again Su!' She sobs and lifts her head from my chest, her blue eyes looking at my own. I kiss her top of her head. 'Oh Lucy! I thought so too, but Aslan know our way and leads us through it. Peter lays his hand on my shoulder. 'So, your faith has returned?' I bow my head in shame. They know..

'Yes, after you died too Pete, I have read the bible from beginning till end. And I know now. But when I was brought back here, Aslan told me I have trials to face. But I am not afraid because he is with me. All of you are with me!' I say joyfully. Peter embraces me to and Caspian, Edmund and Eustace follow his lead. We are standing like this when Lucy muffles a sound and the boys step away from me. Lucy releases me with a red head. 'I thought you were going to choke me' She coughs. I begin to laugh and soon my family follows.

When everything is quiet down, my family is back doing their pursuits for our kingdom. Except for one; Caspian. He is standing on my balcony, looking out over the sea. I, on the other hand, am changing in my clothes; clean undergarments and a long white low cut silk dress, then a dark blue corset and as final a long dark blue dress, slightly low cut, with decorations on the upper part of my body; twigs and flowers are embroidered on it.

My long dark brown hair is brushed by a maid and then she braids it backwards, letting the rest of my hair hang lose. I put my crown back on my head and thank the girl for her help, she curtsy's to me.

Something I not used to again. It is weird to have people waving at you and screaming your name.

I walk towards Caspian and take the view in. He, standing like this, with is back towards me, his dark black hair flowing in the wind. But he heard me coming on the platform and turns around. 'My queen' He says with a smile and bows. 'Caspian' I say a little ashamed and make my way to him. 'You don't have to do that!' I stand next to him and put my hands on the railing. For a while it remains silent but I notice that he is staring at me. I look at him. His hand moves towards mine and a shiver goes through me as he touches my hand. He intertwines our fingers with each other. 'Susan, for a while I thought that I saw never see you again. But then Lucy, Edmund and Eustace appeared on the beach and a week or two later Peter came back also. So I had hope again you shall follow quickly. But Peter told me you had lost your faith. And that's when I became desperate' He turns his body to me and closes the distant between us. I can feel his heart beating. I can feel his breath against my skin and I shiver under his touch. 'Susan' My name is a whisper on his lips. I am not thinking, the feeling he gives me, the feeling I am flying. So I give in and our lips touch. Hungry he kisses me and we pull apart. The look in his eyes says everything. I let my head rest against his toned chest. And he wraps his arms around me. We stand like this for a while, holding each other, looking to the sea.

The next day I wake up early. When Aslan brought me home it was late in the afternoon and I learned that it is spring again. Pete said the date I came back was march the 9th. So now it is the tenth of march. I dress myself, but the corset goes on with difficulty, but after a few minutes I manage to get to corset on. And this time I wear a dark green dress, with half long sleeves and a leather brown belt. And leather boots. A chambermaid brushes and braids my hair; I put my golden crown on top and I am ready for my first day as ruler.

Or again.

Susan the Gentle

Queen of the Horn.

The Oldest Sister.

That what the Narnians call me in the stories of old. Or so Lucy told me. To be honest I am a little scared, how shall it go?

Do they like me or shall they turn their back on me. I mean they have heard the story, about me, turning away from Aslan. I make my way down the hall, down the stairs towards the dining room. Cair Paravel is awake and the servants and people are doing their chores. 'Su!' Edmund sits on the long table with his breakfast before him; toast, juice and an egg. Around the plate with food lies several papers. 'What are those?' I ask my younger brother when I sit down beside him. 'Invitations, requests, the usual'

'Yes...' I trail of and stare I the distant, looking at a painting what hangs against the wall. It is painting of the forest with nymphs dancing around a faun.

'Sorry Su' Edmund lays a paper down. 'We have talked yesterday. But you know, the four of us are here not long at al' I jerk my gaze loose from the painting and look at Ed. 'No? But I thought, what you and Luus told me before. Three years have gone by since our last visit'

'We are here four weeks now, maybe five. I don't count them. But yes three years have gone by the last time the four of us visited. The last time Lucy, Eustace and I where here was four months ago' Ed takes a bite from his toast and swallows. A young women with very light blond hair puts a plate before me and a glass with juice. 'Here you go your Majesty' She says with respect. I nod at here. Still it is weird to have people talking like that.

'Su look at this, something for you and Lucy to go!' Edmund holds out a piece of parchment. I take it from him and read it. With big letters it says; Invitation for the royal family of Narnia. A Royal ball is given by the kingdom of Archenland.

I shiver runs down my spine.

Archenland was the same country I was held captive. The king of that time Rabadash. Edmund sees my struggle with the memory.

'Damn it, I am sorry Su. I forgot' He hold out is his, gesturing me to give him the invitation back. I shake my head. 'No. Ed this time it is different. Lucy and I shall go to represent our family and our country. 

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