Chapter Nine

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Psalms 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

In a whirlwind of ice and snow we appear in her castle. The ice castle where Edmund was locked away in a prison. The same ice castle where Tumnus was frozen into a statue. And now it is back, she build it back into its former glory. She holds my hair and I fall onto the ground, with my hair still in her hands she pulls me to her prison. 'Cry out for his name, but he shall not answer you!' She warns coldly me and throws me inside.

I fall on the hard icy floor, in a second I unfreeze and I sit up. I pull my legs against my chest lay my head on my knees.

'Su?' a small voice sounds from within the room. My head flies up. Lucy! I move on my hand and knees over the icy ground towards the sound. I look around but I see no one. 'Lucy?' My voice is like a whisper. In the darkest corner of the cell a tiny shape sits huddled against the wall. 'Lucy!' This time the shape looks up, her blue eyes filling with tears. 'Susan!' She tries to stand but fails. Her legs too weak to carry her weight. She collapses on the ground, she begins to cry. At first soundless but then when I reach her, a heartbreaking cry is heard. I wrap my arms around my little sister. I try my best to comfort her, but that isn't easy if but that isn't easy if you want to cry and scream as well.

After a couple minutes Lucy calms down and I look at her for injuries. But thank Aslan she has none. 'She said she was going to kill you' Lucy says with a shaky voice. I feel a lump in my throat, a heavy feeling in my chest.


How long are we here? I lost track of time. Food is given to us on different hours and we don't have a window, so I can't see the sun go down or up. The food we receive is terrible; we are given frozen bread and a cup with frozen water. Lucy is getting sick, she is couching and sweating. I am terrified something shall happen to her!

I wake up from a hard sound and yelling. Lucy isn't waking up, so I move as quickly as I can to her and feel her forehead. She is burning up!

Aslan help us, please help your daughters! We are your daughters right?

'Is the Valiant queen sick?' A dark voice yells at a sudden. I jump a bit and turn around. Before our cell stands a Faun in a frozen combat suit. The mark of Jadis; a snowflake, is marked on his breastplate. 'Yes, she is sick. I want to see Jadis!' I say and stand up. The faun looks at me, the look he gives me makes my stomach turn. He grins and then he walks away. When he is gone I fall back on the ground next to Lucy. I take her hand in my own and lay my other hand around it. 'Dear Father, Dear Aslan. Please heal her! Please don't let her die in here. She is too young to die here!' I pray. With that said, I sit down against the wall and let Lucy her head lie on my lap. I try to scratch some ice from the walls so I can lay it on her forehead. The pieces I collect melt in seconds. I shake her shoulders, but still she doesn't wake up. 'Lucy' I sob. I close my eyes and think of my brothers, I think of him.

'Wake up you useless women!' Someone kicks me in my stomach. I groan and open my eyes. A dwarf from the black mountains and the same Faun are standing in our cell. I look around to find my sister but.. 'Were is she!?' I say, unable to yell, my throat is hurting.

'Were do you think she is? She empress has killed her, now she is standing in the garden of the statues'


'Never eat food a stranger gives to you' laughs the dwarf. No, No. This isn't happening. They take my wrist and drag me out of my cell. I can't move, I feel noting, no emotions. But I can feel the tears streaming down my face. I hang in the middle of us three, my feet dragging across the floor. It begins to hurt and my boots begin to fall apart.

What is happening with me? My nightgown is ripped apart and the Faun throws me into a corner. The dwarf is a lookout, with his back at me, he can't see what the Faun is doing to me. I close my eyes when I hear the Faun closer to me. I can feel everything. And afterwards I hear the voice of the dwarf. 'Now it is my turn'

'My pleasure, she is still ready for you' I shiver, not from the cold but something else. A deep hatred is filling my chest, my soul. The ice is consuming me. Again I feel everything. And it is dirty and unhuman. But it happens.

What was happened is Peter, Edmund or Caspian was here with me? Than this wasn't happened. The hate I feel is raging through my body and open my eyes when I feel my right cheek burning. The dwarf and the Faun are gone and I am now in the middle of her throne room. 'Awake are we?' She laughs and sits back on her throne. She hasn't bound me, I sit freely on the icy ground but still I can't move. 'Lucy was too kind' She says and looks at her long nails. Too kind? 'You on the other hand are good enough'

Good enough? 'It is funny but Lucy died because of her kindness' Jadis stands up and strolled towards me. She takes my chin in her cold hands and her eyes grow wide. 'It is already working!' She mumbles. 'What is working?' I mumble when she release me. She laughs and throws her head back. 'I have a daughter' She mumbles to herself.

Daughter... I feel again the hatred in my body. But this time, it hurts and it feels like it is consuming me. It is not hate I feel, but evil, pure evil what is flowing inside my body. Lucy was too kind to bear it. And I, it is consuming me. 'You get it, smart girl. Every human is good and bad, and soon al what is good shall be gone from within you, only the evil remains' And with that said, I can't fight the pain any longer and I close my eyes, letting myself sink in the black abyss.

'Daughter, wake up' I stir in my bed, groaning at my mother. 'Come on. Today you shall be represented to the Narnian court!' She say happily. I sit straight up in my bed, brushing my dark hair out of my eyes. My mother turns around, her icy crown shining from the sunlight what comes through the window. 'Susan, come it is time you dress yourself. It is time the Narnians learn to know you, Susan, daughter of Jadis the Empress of whole Narnia!'

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