Chapter three

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'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.' Psalms‬ ‭23:4‬ ‭

The message that the two youngest Pevensie children had died was delivered to Peter and Susan two days after the loss of their mother. A week after that, a letter was send to their home, saying their father had bravely fought but had died. Now Susan and Peter were completely alone in this world. Peter, now more longing to be back at Narnia was trying to find a way. He read the bible from begin till end. Susan on the other hand was losing herself to lipsticks and nylons. She didn't talk to Peter, only at diner, if they had one.

Peter saw his sister becoming more distant to him and Narnia with the day.

'Su?' Peter knocked on my door, stepping already inside. 'Yes?' I answer him, brushing my hair in front of my long mirror. My dark brown hair was long and wavy, it reached my waist line. But I couldn't cut it off. Something deep inside me was holding me back.

'Are you staying home tonight? They think another air raid is coming'

'No, Bruce Heralds is hosting a party and I am invited' I say and lay my brush on my closet stand. I see his face become sad. He says nothing but when I make a move towards the door, he blocks me. 'No'

'No? Why? Peter you are not the boss of me!'

'I am your brother, your big brother and you listen to me. You are staying home tonight!' He says with clenched teeth. I try to fight my way past him, but he doesn't move an inch. 'No, Peter. Go and search your way to Narnia.. A land that doesn't exist. Only in your mind. But I am smarter than that. I am going to that party and make something of my life!' I scream at him. He looks at me, a mix of emotions appearing on his face. He steps aside, gesturing with his arms I can go. 'Go your highness, to your important party.' I walk out of my room, with my back straight. When I am down the stairs, putting on my coat, Peter stands on the beginning of the stairway. 'Remember Su, that I love you' With that I walk out of the door, slamming the door behind me.

Stupid Peter. I fight urge of crying away and walk with a lifted head to the party a couple streets further. When I arrive, Bruce opens the door for me. 'Look everyone!' He shouts joyfully. 'The queen has arrived' I smile at his words, but I feel a sting in my chest.

The gentle queen.

I take my coat of and Bruce gives it to his butler. He offers me his arm. 'Shall we?' I laugh and take his arm. 'Yes, we shall'

The whole evening I am drinking champagne and listen to Bruce his story how he got the champagne in the first place. When the clock strikes one in the morning the siren goes on. The sound is horrible and the guest of the party are running to the private shelter of Bruce his home.


I make my way to the door and put on my coat. 'Susan!' Suddenly instead of Bruce -with his blond hair and blue eyes- a man with dark black hair and dark eyes is standing before me. He smiles lovingly at me and I feel his finger brushing over my cheek. 'Come home, we are waiting... there is a problem only the four of you can fix'

Caspian? Memories are floating in my brain, the fight at Aslans how, how he saved me. And most important; the kiss we shared.

'Susan!' I move back and forth and I blink a few times. Bruce is holding me by my shoulders, shaking them. 'We have to go seek shelter!' He says in panic.

'But, my brother!' I say, my hand moving to the handle of the door. But Bruce takes my wrist and drags me to his shelter.

The door closes behind us and now I can do nothing but wait.

I close my eyes. Caspian, I saw him. Was it real after all?

It has to be right..

A bomb falling close near the house makes the ground shake. I open my eyes and see Bruce looking worried at me. 'Are you okay?'

'I am concerned for my brother. He is alone in our house' I say softly. Bruce nods his head, understanding. 'It shall be over soon' His eyes lock with mine but after a second I look away. I feel suddenly ashamed.

Bruce was right. fifteen minutes later the raid stopped. Everyone was rushing to their homes, to their families. And so did I.

Running on high heels is not so easy as movies let us believe it seems. I stumble and almost fall a couple of times but I made it to our street.

Our what our street supposed to be. The whole block of houses are gone..

I don't feel the bricks of the street when I hit them. I don't hear myself crying out for Peter. I am lost in all of a sudden. I am dreaming, this had to be a dream. In less than two weeks I lost my whole family through this bloody war!

Silent tears are streaming down my face when I feel a hand on my shoulder. 'Susan' Bruce, he helps me on my feet again and lays his arms around my waist. I give in on my weariness and begin to cry. Bruce holds me close. 'I am sorry'

I am sorry to.

I am sorry I didn't listen Pete.

That you had to die alone.

I am sorry for letting you down.

I don't feel anything.

I am starting to fade.


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