The Slasher Saga Part 1 Jason Voorhees

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After they looked around, they've found no signs of human life sources. "Where is everyone?" Matt asked. "I don't know. It looks like everyone died." Bryan said. J-Fred then heard something coming. "Guys, I think someone is coming." J-Fred said. They looked and saw a weird figure with a hockey mask and a machete. "Who are you?" Bryan asked. It was Jason Voorhees. He said nothing, but he walked to them and was about to swing his machete. "Bryan, heads up!" Matt said. Bryan jumped up on Matt's back and punched him. He kept punching, but Jason was going to swing his machete, but Matt grabbed it. "Thank you very much." Matt said. Joey grabbed Jason and flew him up so high. Joey let go and Jason fell. Then, after he landed, he was dead for sure. "Who was that guy, anyway?" J-Fred asked. "I don't know, but this is no game or challenge. Let's keep going." Matt said. They all nodded and kept going. Jason's hand twitched.

To be continued

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