The Creepypasta Saga Part 8 Laughing Jack

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They went to a strange circus or carnival. "This place looks cheerful. Let's go." J-Fred said. "I don't know, Joey. I don't like the look at this." Matt said. "How will we know if we don't try it out? Come on." J-Fred said. Matt and Bryan shrugged and followed J-Fred into the circus. "This place doesn't look to bad." Matt said. Bryan had a bad feeling about the circus. "Maybe they made it cheerful just so someone can kill us." Bryan said. "That's right. Maybe they did. But who?" Matt asked. "Me, of course. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Laughing Jack said. That sinister laugh sended shivers down their spine. "Who are you?" Matt asked. "I am Jack. The circus clown." Jack said. "That would explain the look on you." Matt said. "What do you want? Do you plan on killing us?" Bryan asked. "You all know me so well. I'm planning on killing you. Welcome to my circus, boys. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Jack said. Jack charged and attacked, but Bryan punched him and sent him through the tent. He laughed sinisterly even though he's hurt. "This guy is really creeping me out." J-Fred said. He grabbed Jack and threw him far away. "I swear, Joey. That is really handy." Matt said. J-Fred nodded and they left the circus.

To be continued

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