The Slasher Saga Part 5 Leatherface

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They all went to a strange corn field that was unexpected. "This is weird. Was this place here, before?" Matt asked. "I don't know. I've never seen this place." Bryan said. Just then, they heard a chainsaw in the distance and its getting closer. "What's that noise?" Matt asked. "It sounds like a chainsaw." J-Fred said. Just then, Leatherface came out. "Whoa! That guy's crazy! Run!" J-Fred said. They ran as quickly as they could into the cornfield. "What can we do?! We can't go face to face against him!" J-Fred said. "We can get him from behind! J-Fred, would you like to do the honors?" Matt asked. "I thought you'd never ask!" J-Fred said. J-Fred went the other way while Matt and Bryan were distracting Leatherface. J-Fred came up from behind and got Leatherface and slammed him to the ground. "He's crazy. Who is this guy?" J-Fred asked. "He's an evil dirtbag with a chainsaw." Matt said. They walked away.

To be continued

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