I Am God Saga Part 1 The Demon

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After the hard fighting of the creepypastas, they saw the sky getting red. "What's happening?" Matt asked. "The hour of your death, of course." Sonic.Exe said. "You again?" Bryan asked. Sonic.Exe absorbed all of the souls. "Hergen, mortals! Kneel before me!" Sonic.Exe said. After a few seconds, Sonic.Exe has evolved into a demon from hell. "Yes. I am reborn. And now, I have a planet to conquer." Sonic.Exe said. "No. We can't let him go." Matt said. He ran after him. J-Fred and Bryan followed. When they got there, Sonic.Exe spotted them. "You mortals don't know when to quit." Sonic.Exe said.

To be continued

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