The Creepypasta Saga Part 6 Slender Man

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They continued on into the forest and saw a page that was glowing. "That's weird." Matt said. When he got the page, they saw a weird figure with tentacles. "Uh, guys, we should run!" Matt said. The others ran off. The team stopped. Matt looked at the paper that said "Collect Eight Pages Before Slender Man Catches You." The team looked at each other. "We'll split up." Matt said. They nodded and set off to find the missing pages. After a few hours of searching, the team came across each other. "I found three." Matt said. "So did I." J-Fred said. "Me, too." Bryan said. "I think we got all eight pages. Something should happen." Matt said. They saw a trail leading somewhere. "Let's follow the trail." Matt said.

To be continued

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