The Creepypasta Saga Part 3 Smile Dog

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They went in the dog house and it was filled with dead dogs. "Not only the people but the pets and animals as well?!" J-Fred asked. "Yeah, unfortunately." Matt said. Bryan looked around, but then heard a growling noise. He looked and saw a weird dog with a creepy smile. "Uh, guys? We got company." Bryan said. The team looked at what Bryan was looking. Smile Dog charged at them, but Bryan punched him through the wall. Smile Dog emerged from the shadows and charged again. He managed to get J-Fred by the arm, but he flew up and grand slammed him to the ground. Bryan caught Smile Dog and threw him to Matt. Matt tossed Smile Dog up to J-Fred and he threw him far off the reserve. "That was surreal." J-Fred said. "And a bit disturbing." Matt said. They left the dog house and walked away.

To be continued

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