The Creepypasta Saga Part 5 The Rake

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They ran to the woods and hid in the bushes. They looked around, but J-Fred saw some glowing eyes staring at them, but then disappeared. J-Fred ignored it and moved on. "Hey, guys. Do you ever get the feeling we're being watched?" J-Fred asked. Matt and Bryan shrugged. Just then, The Rake jumped out of the shadows and landed on Bryan. "What the heck?! Joey, get him off!" Matt said. J-Fred tried to get it off of Bryan, but The Rake had a tight grip. "Get off me!" Bryan said. Bryan punched it off of him to J-Fred and he threw him. "What in the name of the earth is that?!" Matt asked. "Who knows? I don't." Bryan said. They walked through the woods and saw a page that was glowing.

To be continued

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