The Slasher Saga Part 4 Ghostface

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The team left to the abandoned warehouse. "How come no one is alive?" J-Fred asked. "Those three guys we met must've killed them." Bryan said. "Make that four. Including me." Ghostface said. "Not again. Who is this?" Matt asked. "Call me Ghostface." Ghostface said. "Ghostface? You really look like one." J-Fred said. "Why do you guys always want to kill us?" Matt asked. "Your the only survivors left. We're going to change that by killing you." Ghostface said. "That's the only thing you people understand! We're not going to let you do what you want!" Matt said. Ghostface charged and attacked Matt, but Matt dodged and countered. He knocked Ghostface to Bryan and he knocked him to J-Fred and he knocked him to Matt. The three knocked him around and J-Fred delivered the final blow. But then, Ghostface disappeared. "Where did he go?" J-Fred asked. Ghostface came up from behind him, but Bryan punched him through the wall. "Are all of these guys that easy to beat down?" J-Fred asked. They shrugged and walked away.

To be continued

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