The Slasher Saga Part 2 Michael Myers

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The team searched everywhere for the remaining survivors, but founded nothing. "It's no use. There's no remains of any survivors." J-Fred said. "Maybe everyone is dead." Bryan said. "You think? There's no one alive but us." Matt said. J-Fred froze and heard footsteps coming. "Guys, quiet. I hear something." J-Fred said. They all heard footsteps coming. They looked and saw a weird figure with a mask and a knife. "Are you alright, sir?" Matt asked. The stranger was Michael Myers. He came to them and swung his knife. "These guys must really love murder." J-Fred said. Matt charged and attacked him. Bryan came up from behind and grabbed Michael. Matt and Joey charged and attacked at the same time. Bryan finished him off by chokeslaming him. "Are all these people like this?" Matt asked. "Apparently." Bryan said. They all left.

To be continued

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