The Creepypasta Saga Part 7 Ben Drowned

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They made it out of the woods and saw a lot of dead bodies. "No. I can't deal with this anymore." J-Fred said. Matt pressed a weird button and words appeared. "Why did you do that? You shouldn't have done that. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" Ben Drowned asked. "That was weird." Matt said. Just then, Ben showed himself. "What the heck?" Bryan asked. "Hello, my friends. How come your still alive? You should be dead." Ben Drowned said. "Hey, pal, we don't plan on dying." J-Fred said. "You'll have to. It's what we want. Your death. We can't have you get in our way." Ben Drowned said. "We can't let you do as you please. We're Team Edge." Matt said. Matt and Joey charged at him, but Ben Drowned dodged and countered them from behind. Bryan punched him through the wall. "Ha! Is that all you got?" Ben Drowned asked. Joey charged and grabbed him. "Stay down!" J-Fred said. He threw Ben Drowned to the ground and elbowed him. "Let's go. He'll get up from that." J-Fred said. They ran off away from Ben Drowned.

To be continued

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