The Slasher Saga Part 6 Chucky Finale

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After the search for other people, the team gave up on searching for signs of human life sources. "It's no use." Matt said. "Hey, guys, look at this." J-Fred said. They went and saw Chucky. "Look at that. Someone left this doll behind." J-Fred said. "Did you just call me a doll?!" Chucky asked. The team jumped back. "How is that doll talking?" Matt asked. Chucky got up and pulled out his knife. "Don't you dare call me a doll!" Chucky said. Chucky charged and jumped. They dodged but Matt caught him. "You need a time out, doll. You're going back to the shelf." Matt said, tossing Chucky up and kicking him so far. "What's that kids problem?" Matt asked. "Well, whatever it was, we have to be careful." Bryan said. The team left and saw another town.

To be continued

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