I Am God Saga Part 3 Finale Super Team Edge vs Super Sonic.Exe

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After a few minutes in the graveyard, the team were trying to escape, but failed. "It's over. We've lost." Bryan said. "No. We can't give up. We can't let that demon do what he pleases." J-Fred said. "He's right. We can't let him do this." Matt said. Suddenly, their bodies glew. "What's happening?" J-Fred asked. Just then, they escaped and chased after Sonic.Exe. "What? It can't be." Sonic.Exe said. "This ends now, Sonic.Exe!" Super Matt said. Sonic.Exe charged and attacked, but they dodged and Super Bryan sledgehammered him. Super J-Fred grabbed him by the leg and threw him at the wormhole. "No. It's impossible. I can't lose! I won't lose!" Sonic.Exe said. Sonic.Exe charged a sphere of destruction and threw it at Super Team Edge. "Kamehameha!" Super Matt said. "Final Flash!" Super Bryan said. "Galick Gun!" Super J-Fred said. Their energy beams collided and broke through the sphere and charged at Sonic.Exe. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonic.Exe shouted. He tried to stop it, but he got swallowed up and was destroyed for good. The team turned back to normal and passed out.

To be continued

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