The Creepypasta Saga Part 1 Sonic.exe

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After the defeat of the slashers, they entered the strange town. "Where are we?" J-Fred asked. "It looks like this town is abandoned. I wonder what happened to this place." Matt said. Just then, two weird glowing red eyes appeared in the shadows. "Well, hello there, my friends. May I help you?" Sonic.Exe asked. "We're looking for any remaining survivors. Have you seen anything?" Matt asked. "Sure. I'm looking at them right now. And I'm going to enjoy killing you three." Sonic.Exe said, emerging from the shadows. The team looked terrified, but was ready to fight. "Not only are the slashers after us, but these guys as well?" J-Fred asked. "Apparently so." Matt said. Joey charged, but Sonic.Exe dodged and countered. Sonic.Exe appeared behind Matt and kicked him to Bryan. "You're all weak. Now die!" Sonic.Exe said. J-Fred flew up and Sonic.Exe follows him. "You can't run!" Sonic.Exe said. "Who said I was running?" J-Fred asked, smirking. They flew up to outer space and J-Fred stopped. "You've fell right into my trap." J-Fred said. Sonic.Exe flew past him, but J-Fred caught his leg and started spinning him. "Time for you to go bye bye!" J-Fred said, releasing his leg and flung him across the galaxy. J-Fred flew down to the others. "That was really awesome. Let's get going." Matt said.

To be continued

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