Eye Opening

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AN: Hey! Just wanted to drop a line and say I did get a little merciless in this chapter and a little to descriptive, so just beware of that, especially if you didn't handle the actual death scenes in DDLC very well. Anyway, enjoy! :)

"Please don't tell me we have school today!" Sayori groaned. 

Natsuki nodded emphatically. "School is the one thing we know a lot about."

Alex laughed. "No, it's only Sunday. Tomorrow is school."

Sayori and Natsuki high fived each other happily. "Yay!" Sayori squealed.

"Does that mean we can rest for the day?" Yuri asked. Alex nodded.

"Well, off I go!" Natsuki said, standing up from the rocking chair she'd sat in carelessly and ended up on the floor with shock.

Yuri stood up as well. "I'm coming with you, Natsuki."

Sayori yawned. "Ah! Wait for me!"

The three walked out of the room, leaving Jack, Alex and I standing very awkwardly together. I tried to catch Jack's eye- it was awkward for Alex and I for him to be there- but he was mainly looking at the floor.

After a few long moments of this, Jack mumbled, "I'll be over there...if you need me." And he shuffled off to the other room.

I turned to Alex and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so lucky to have found you, you know!"

He laughed, and squeezed me. "So am I. You feel like a real human to me, you know? It's so strange to think that you used to be just code."

"Yeah...then I grew."

I learnt. I learnt how to love, to care...to...kill.

Revulsion engulfed me, and I gagged. My friends...my fault.

"Monika? What's wrong-oh." He looked at me, with his blue eyes, bright and starry as Sayori's ever was.

"Not your fault, Monika. Not your fault-"

"Um..." I turned to see the three girls in the doorway. They all looked pale.

"There's a slight problem." Yuri said softly... as if she was sick. Jack walked in from the same room, looking very worried.

"They're all in pain, Monika."

"What? How?" I asked.

"My throat hurts." Sayori piped up, putting her hand around it.

"Oh." Alex said. "Probably just a cold, Sayori."

We all turned to him, confused.

"It's a very common and harmless sickness, that makes your throat hurt-"

Sayori shook her head. "No, it's the outside, the skin on my throat." She rubbed it uncomfortably. "And my hands." She added. "They..sting like fire."

"My stomach hurts." Yuri said. "Just here-" she placed her hand on her stomach, then moved it up and to the left, then to her chest. "It's a deep pain, like..I'm afraid I don't know how to describe it."

"And my neck hurts." Natsuki added, clearly unhappy at being made to divulge suck information. "Like...the very bone, or whatever. It just hurts, okay?!"

I was sure I was pale, white as a sheet. My hands were clammy, and entire being felt as though it was being ripped to bits.

"The flu." Alex said confidently. "Like the cold, but worse and symptoms like that are common. Just get some rest, okay?"

They all nodded, giving worried glances at me, then filed back into the room. Jack followed, not looking at me.

Alex waited until they were gone, the pulled me into his room. I sat down on his chair, stunned. "Monka, those aren't flu symptoms. What on earth is wrong with them, and why do you look so scared?"

I looked up, my ears ringing. "In the game...I..."

Alex sat on his bed and looked at me. "Now isn't the time for that, Monnie."

"Don't you dare call me that!" I yelled, standing up. "My name is Monika! I'm from the game Doki Doki Literature Club! I am the president of the Literature Club! I have three amazing friends, Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri! Everything was happy, and fine! Then...then, I became self aware! I fell in love with Alex! I changed the game so I could be with him! I...I did terrible things to the girls!"

"I know." He said quietly.

"Sayori became depressed and I made it worse! She hung herself! Yuri became insane, and I made it worse! She stabbed herself in a fit of insane joy! Natsuki's code was erratic, and I made it worse! She antagonised everyone, and ended up demanding Jack to play with her, and broke her neck when he didn't reply!"

Alex understood. "Oh, no... their pains?"

I nodded, staring at nothing. "The snapped bone in Natsuki's neck. The rope against Sayori's throat, and the stinging of her fingers clawing it off, even as blood ran down them! The cold steel of Yuri's knife entering her body! That's all! It's happening again!"

"Monika...Sayori hung herself?"

"Yeah, dont you- Oh. No. No."

Sekai saved her...from Alex seeing her hung. The event still happened, deep inside the code that I changed, that I twisted against its own characters.

Sayori isn't self aware. She's a by product of my messing around, a trick of the code. Sekai was the only other self aware one. She... really...

Sayori was aware she was in a game, of course. But that doesn't make her self aware.

Being alive within the game does.

And nobody, nobody except Sekai and I was.

And now Sayori has forgotten everything. Everything she knew when we first arrived her has gone out the window. She's no different to Yuri or Natsuki.

But then...

What about Jack?

(In the lounge room)

"Why didn't you mention your other pains, Natsuki?" Sayori asked her.

"Cuz." She said, gruffly.

"Does it still hurt?" Yuri asked.

She nodded, touching her eyes. That terrible ache, and her mouth felt like it had been stretched to its limit.

Sayori rubbed her throat, felt the skin that seemed like it had been rubbed red and bleeding. Her hands stung, little prickles of pain that combined made a horrible feeling similar to her throat. And the breathlessness only made it worse.

Yuri felt like her flesh in three specific places was being torn, shredded by something cold. Euphoria punctured her brain at random moments. She kind of liked it.


She adored this feeling. She never wanted it to go away.

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