Living and Loving

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Right." Sayori said, standing up. "We're all ready to leave, Monika."

I walked over to the computer and leant my head against it. "I'm so, so sorry, Sekai." I whispered. "I really am. We'll come back for you." I kissed the screen, then turned to face everyone else.

"Let's go!"

We pushed the door open again and crawled out- literally. Sayori, who was leading, pointed to another door. "Let's go in there," She mouthed.

"Let me go first." I mouthed back.

She nodded and we stopped to let me go first. I opened the door and snuck in, everyone else following me.

I stood up.

I flicked on the light.

Two eyes stared at me.

Everyone gasped. I stared.

He stared even more.

I reached out my hand, slowly.

He stared.

Sayori tapped me on the shoulder. "Monika!" She whispered quietly. "We have to run!"

I shook my head.


He's the one I fell in love with.

The boy just stared at us. "Monika?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Sayori? Natsuki? Yuri....and Jack?"

"Yes, it's us." Yuri said.

"Woah!" His eyes widened.

"Have you...played our game?!" Sayori exclaimed.

He nodded. "'re here!"

Natsuki sighed. "Yeah. We are and we're not going back. So, please don't try to make us."

He shook his head. "And, Uh, Monika..."

I looked at him. "Yeah?"

He smiled. "Did you really do all of that for me?"

Tears filled my eyes and I nodded.

He opened his mouth, but got interrupted.

"Do what?!" Natsuki asked, her old attitude reappearing.

Oh no.

Ohhh no.

No. No. No.

"Monika?" Yuri asked.

Sayori gave me a look.

I ducked my head, embarrassed.


"I..." The tears overflowed from my eyes. "I..."

Everyone stared at me, pulling the truth from my lips like a magnet.

"I messed...with everyone's character files." Natsuki frowned.

"That's not that bad, Monika-"

"NO!" I yelled. "IT WAS! Sayori hung herself! Yuri stabbed herself! Natsuki got beaten up by her father! And it was all my fault! All my fault!" My knees gave out and I crumpled on the ground.

Sensibly, everyone stayed put.

Except him.

He walked over and hauled me to my feet. "You love me, right Monika?"

I nodded, and he grinned. "And you know what, Monika? I also kinda loved you!"

I gasped. "R-really?"

He nodded. Joy replacing my desperation, I leant my head on his chest. "Love you, Jack."

"My name isn't Jack." He murmured into my ear. "It's Alex. Jackson is My middle name, so I used a shortened version of that."

"Alex. I like that."

He laughed.

"So I guess you guys are going to just going to ha-uh, stick around?" Jack asked us a few minutes later.

Sayori looked away. Her normally bright personality was being over-shadowed by these events, and Natsuki's new kindness was being overtaken her her sour attitude. Yuri was also being dangerously quiet. I'd had to keep an eye on her, or she'd sneak off.

I nodded. "What else are we supposed to do?"

"Not going back." Natsuki muttered. Yuri put a calming hand on her shoulder. "Noone is making you, Natsuki."

"Well, you guys really have no choice but to live here, hey?" He said.

I nodded again. "What about school?" Jack asked him.

He shrugged. "I think that at my school, you guys would get away with posing as new students. They aren't the best at keeping records."

Suddenly, Natsuki gasped. "My stomach!" She wrapped both her arms around it. "Ow..."

"What's wrong?" Alex demanded.

"It's an empty feeling inside me!" Natsuki yelled.

"Oh..uh, when did you last eat?"

We all frowned. "Eat..." I said, thoughtfully.

"We didn't have to eat in the game, ever."

"I don't know how to!" Sayori said.

Yuri shrugged.

Natsuki frowned.

"Alright, alright. Just come with me, okay?"

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