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hi guys, uh, this is awkward. author three years now from writing this. i purposefully put this at the beginning because i need all of you who begin reading this to know a couple of things. i made this story three ish years ago. i think i was 12/13 enejwjwks. now my 16th birthday is coming up this year. looking back this story is SO cringey and actually i came back to wattpad to delete this story and i think two others? but i saw how much love it got and the views are crazy. there's lots of errors in here and overall very cringey things and also please note that i wrote this in around 2017-18 so that's where things correlate. and from seeing things now there's still people reading this in 2020, sooo crazy to me. unfortunately, i will not be editing this story any further and i'm so sorry about that! it leaves you guys off unfinished but i could always make some sort of epilogue if you'd really want that.

thank you for all the love and even reading this shit story i made when i was some ratchet ass no good writer pre pubescent little girl LMAOAKDNA. enjoy reading, and be as criticizing as you want, i've been rereading and dISGUSTAD over my writing. thank you so much. i love you. author out. ❤️
- jia . july 21 2020 12:47

the REAL prologue

At first sight, I thought you were the one. The one I could be myself with. The one who I could love.

At first sight, you captivated me with your astonishing beauty. I thought to myself, I feel like you're special.

Both POV's
Who are you?

This is a story about you, a 21 year old woman who moves to Seoul, Korea. Your older brother, (b/n) is going to stay with you there but only for one month. Your first day there you decide to explore Seoul on your own and then you see someone being attacked by several girls. As you help them out by running and grabbing their wrist you don't even realize who it was. You were just a person trying to help. When you looked up you saw a tall handsome brown haired man. Who was he?



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